
Assembly: Rds;


The IMetaRdsLoader interface contains properties and methods of the object that is used to automatically create MDM dictionaries and load data to them.

Inheritance hierarchy



To ensure object performance, specify a data source in one of the following properties: Source, SqlSource, or TableSource. Depending on the executed operations, the following steps are available:

NOTE. MDM dictionaries can be automatically created and updated in the repositories based on Oracle 9.x or later, and Microsoft SQL Server 2008 or later.


  Property name Brief description
Bindings The Bindings property returns a collection of dictionary attributes' bindings to data source fields.
Database The Database property determines a database that will store dictionary table.
Dictionary The Dictionary property determines the MDM dictionary, to which data should be loaded.
Source The Source property determines a data source for an MDM dictionary.
SqlSource The SqlSource property determines an SQL query, executing of which creates a data source for an MDM dictionary.
TableSource The TableSource property determines the repository table to be used as a data source of MDM dictionary.


  Method name Brief description
CreateObject The CreateObject method creates a new dictionary based on the specified information and attribute bindings.
GenerateBindingsBySource The GenerateBindingsBySource method generates parameters of dictionary attributes' bindings based on the source structure.
Load The Load method loads data from a source to an MDM dictionary.

See also:

Rds Assembly Interfaces