
Assembly: Rds;


The IRdsDictionaryElementsSearch interface contains properties and methods used to search elements of the MDM dictionary with advanced search settings.

Inheritance hierarchy



  Property name Brief description
Attributes The Attributes property returns the list of attributes, by which values search is executed.
Condition The Condition property returns the collection of search conditions.
Elements The Elements property returns the collection of elements, by the which attribute values search should be executed.
IsIterator The IsIterator property returns whether search is executed in elements obtained from the dictionary iterator.
SelectSearchValue The SelectSearchValue property determines condition of the search by value.


  Method name Brief description
FindAll The FindAll method searches all element that meet search conditions and returns an array, which contains keys of found elements.
FindAllList The FindAllList method searches all elements that meet search conditions and returns the collection of found elements.
FindFirst The FindFirst method searches the first element that meets search conditions and returns key of the found element if search was successful.
FindFirstElement The FindFirstElement method searches the first element that meets search conditions and returns parameters of the found element if search was successful.
FindNext The FindNext method searches the next element that meets search conditions and returns key of the found element if search was successful.
FindNextElement The FindNextElement method searches the next element that meets search conditions and returns parameters of the found element if search was successful.
SetIterator The SetIterator method sets the iterator, in which element search is executed.
SetTextCriteria The SetTextCriteria method determines search condition by the text of attributes.

See also:

Rds Assembly Interfaces