

The IMetaDataRule interface contains properties that determine parameters of rules used in time series database dictionary.


The dictionary rules are checked on importing data to the time series database. Setting rules for dictionaries enables the user to track down, which time series were used to import incorrect data. Violation of rule conditions does not stop all imports. Violation of rule conditions forms an array that contains keys of related factors. After importing, the array of keys can be obtained in the IImportRequestResultEx.InvalidFactors or ICubeMetaLoader.InvalidFactors properties.

In the Condition property of the rule, specify conditions to select time series, for which the rule conditions should be checked. Specify rule conditions to be checked in the Rule property.


  Property name Brief description
The Condition property returns a collection of conditions that are used to select data, for which the rule conditions need to be checked.
The Dictionary property returns a parent object.
The Rule property returns a collection of the rule conditions that need to be checked for data.

Properties inherited from INamedEntity

  Property name Brief description
Id The Id property determines the object identifier.
Key The Key property returns the object key.
Name The Name property determines the object name.

See also:

Rds Assembly Interfaces