

The IMetaDictionaryTranslations interface is used to work with a collection of settings that contain parameters of time series database dictionaries' translation to different languages.


Use the IMetaDictionary.Translations property to get a collection of settings.


  Property name Brief description
IsOn The IsOn property determines whether to translate dictionaries of time series database to various languages.
Locale The Locale property returns unique numeric identifier of the language for which a setting with the specified index is meant.
LocalesCount The LocalesCount property returns the number of languages, to which the attributes of time series database are translated.


  Method name Brief description
AddLocale The AddLocale method adds setting for a specified language to the collection.
RemoveAllLocales The RemoveAllLocales method clears the collection of settings.
RemoveLocale The RemoveLocale method removes setting for a specified language from the collection.

See also:

Rds Assembly Interfaces