
Assembly: Rds;


The IRdsDictionaryInstance interface contains properties and methods used to work with MDM dictionary data.


  Property name Brief description
Attributes The Attributes property returns attribute parameters of the open dictionary.
BigElements The BigElements property returns an object used to work with dictionaries that support a large number of elements.
Dictionary The Dictionary property returns MDM dictionary parameters.
Elements The Elements property returns data of MDM dictionary elements.
FetchAll The FetchAll property determines whether values of system and custom attributes are loaded in cache together.
Links The Links property returns data of MDM dictionary links.
ParamValues The ParamValues property returns a collection of values of parameters, with which the MDM dictionary is opened.
ShowHidden The ShowHidden property determines whether hidden elements are included in the dictionary data.


  Method name Brief description
AssignElements The AssignElements method fills a tree of elements of MDM dictionary with data from the specified repository dictionary.
CreateBatch The CreateBatch method creates elements batch of the MDM dictionary.
ClearData The ClearData method clears all the elements from an MDM dictionary.
CreateDimInstance The CreateDimInstance method returns dictionary data on the base of the current set of elements of the MDM dictionary.
CreateElementData The CreateElementData method creates an object that contains data of element attributes of the MDM dictionary.
CreateLookup The CreateLookup method creates an object that searches MDM dictionary elements by specified attribute values.
CreateSearch The CreateSearch method creates an object that searches MDM dictionary elements with advanced search features.
Data The Data method returns data of a specified element.
Delete The Delete method deletes an MDM dictionary element.
ExportData The ExportData method exports MDM dictionary data in accordance with chosen export scheme.
ImportData The ImportData method imports MDM dictionary data in accordance with chosen import scheme.
Insert The Insert method inserts a new element to the dictionary according to the specified parameters.
Update The Update method updates data of a specified element.

See also:

Rds Assembly Interfaces