Pivot Assembly Interfaces

  Interface Brief description
IPivot The IPivot interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with an object that is a base for building a data table.
IPivotClass The IPivotClass interface contains static properties and methods of the PivotClass class.
IPivotCustomDimNaming The IPivotCustomDimNaming interface is used to work with custom names of dimension elements.
IPivotDimension The IPivotDimension interface contains properties of a data source dimension.
IPivotDimensionFilterSettings The IPivotDimensionFilterSettings interface is used to work with special filtering settings by dimension.
IPivotDimensionLevel The IPivotDemensionLevel interface is used to work with table dimension level.
IPivotDimensionLevelNumbering The IPivotDimensionLevelNumbering interface is used to work with numbering parameters of table dimension/level.
IPivotDimensionLevelProperties The IPivotDimensionLevelProperties interface is used to work with dimension level properties.
IPivotDimensionLevelPropertiesCommon The IPivotDimensionLevelPropertiesCommon interface is used to work with basic properties of dimension level.
IPivotDimensionLevels The IPivotDemensionLevels interface is used to work with the collection of table dimension levels.
IPivotDimensions The IPivotDimensions interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with the collection of data sources dimensions, on which basis the table is formed.
IPivotDimensionSettings The IPivotDimensionSettings interface is used to work with data source dimension settings.
IPivotDimensionSettingsEx The IPivotDimensionSettingsEx interface is used to work with additional settings of data source dimension.

The IPivotDimElementsDetailing interface contains properties and method for working with the collection of drill downs of dimension elements.


The IPivotDimElementsDetailingItem interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with dimension element drill down.

IPivotDimNaming The IPivotDimNamings interface contains properties that are used to work with dimension elements name.
IPivotDimNamings The IPivotDimNamings interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with dimension names collection.
IPivotEvaluator The IPivotEvaluator interface contains properties that are used to work with calculated table factors.
IPivotEvaluatorDimCalculates The IPivotEvaluatorDimCalculates interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with the collection of calculated elements by table dimensions.
IPivotEvaluatorDimCalculatesItem The IPivotEvaluatorDimCalculatesItem interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with the calculated elements by specified dimension.
IPivotEvaluatorDimCalculatesList The IPivotEvaluatorDimCalculatesList interface contains properties of the collection of calculated factors that were created relative to any dimension element.
IPivotEvaluatorDynamics The IPivotEvaluatorDynamics interface contains properties that are used to work with factors dynamics in various table elements.
IPivotEvaluatorDynamicsHeader The IPivotEvaluatorDynamicsHeader interface contains properties that are used to build factors dynamics by the selected table element.
IPivotEvaluatorTotals The IPivotEvaluatorTotals interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with the collection of totals that are calculated by various table elements.
IPivotEvaluatorTotalsItem The IPivotEvaluatorTotalsItem interface contains properties of totals element that are calculated on a specific level of table dimension.
IPivotEvents The IPivotEvents interface is used to implement table handler events.
IPivotException The IPivotException interface contains properties and methods that are used to get information about an error occurred in the table.
IPivotFilter The IPivotFilter interface contains properties that determine data filtering parameters.
IPivotFilterAttributeLink The IPivotFilterAttributeLink interface contains filter properties by dimension attributes links.
IPivotFilterAttributeLinks The IPivotFilterAttributeLinks interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with the collection of filters by dimensions attributes links.
IPivotFilterRange The IPivotFilterRange interface contains properties that are used to determine a data filtering (highlighting) area.
IPivotFilterSettings The IPivotFilterSettings interface is used to work with data filtering parameters.
IPivotFilterSource The IPivotFilterSource interface contains filter properties.
IPivotFilterSources The IPivotFilterSources interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with the filters collection.
IPivotHeader The IPivotHeader interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with the collection of dimensions located in the selected table header.
IPivotHeaderEvaluatedSlot The IPivotHeaderEvaluatedSlot interface is used to work with a calculated column or row in table sidehead.
IPivotHeaderEvaluatedSlots The IPivotHeaderEvaluatedSlots interface is used to work with the collection of calculated columns and rows in table sidehead.
IPivotHeaderFilterSettings The IPivotHeaderFilterSettings interface is used to work with row or column header filtering settings.
IPivotHeaderNumbering The IPivotHeaderNumbering interface contains properties that are used to control numbering in table headers.
IPivotHeaderSettings The IPivotHeaderSettings interface is used to work with row or column header settings.
IPivotHighlightItem The IPivotHighlightItem interface contains properties of the table data highlighting condition.
IPivotHighlightItems The IPivotHighlightItems interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with the collection of table data highlighting conditions.
IPivotInsteadOwnerTotalsSettings The IPivotInsteadOwnerTotalsSettings interface is used to work with settings of displaying totals in parent element row.
IPivotPareto The IPivotPareto interface contains properties for getting 80/20 analysis parameters by various elements.
IPivotParetoSettings The IPivotParetoSettings interface contains properties that are used to determine distribution parameters.
IPivotParetoSettingsItem The IPivotParetoSettingsItem interface is used to work with settings of minimum or maximum values selection on using the Top/Bottom analysis.
IPivotSorter The IPivotSorter interface is used to work with sorting parameters by various table elements.
IPivotSortItem The IPivotSortItem interface is used to work with table sorting.
IPivotTable The IPivotTable interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with table data.
IPivotTableCellChangeEventArgs The IPivotTableCellChangeEventArgs interface contains properties of argument of the event that occurs after changing table cell data.
IPivotTableCellEventArgs The IPivotTableCellEventArgs interface contains properties of argument of the event that occurs on table cell data change.
IPivotTableHeader The IPivotTableHeader interface contains properties that are used to work with table headers.
IPivotTables The IPivotTables interface contains properties that are used to work with the collection of variants of data tables.

See also:

Introduction | Pivot Assembly Enumerations | Pivot Assembly Classes | Examples