Interface | Brief description | |
IPivot | The IPivot interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with an object that is a base for building a data table. | |
IPivotClass | The IPivotClass interface contains static properties and methods of the PivotClass class. | |
IPivotCustomDimNaming | The IPivotCustomDimNaming interface is used to work with custom names of dimension elements. | |
IPivotDimension | The IPivotDimension interface contains properties of a data source dimension. | |
IPivotDimensionFilterSettings | The IPivotDimensionFilterSettings interface is used to work with special filtering settings by dimension. | |
IPivotDimensionLevel | The IPivotDemensionLevel interface is used to work with table dimension level. | |
IPivotDimensionLevelNumbering | The IPivotDimensionLevelNumbering interface is used to work with numbering parameters of table dimension/level. | |
IPivotDimensionLevelProperties | The IPivotDimensionLevelProperties interface is used to work with dimension level properties. | |
IPivotDimensionLevelPropertiesCommon | The IPivotDimensionLevelPropertiesCommon interface is used to work with basic properties of dimension level. | |
IPivotDimensionLevels | The IPivotDemensionLevels interface is used to work with the collection of table dimension levels. | |
IPivotDimensions | The IPivotDimensions interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with the collection of data sources dimensions, on which basis the table is formed. | |
IPivotDimensionSettings | The IPivotDimensionSettings interface is used to work with data source dimension settings. | |
IPivotDimensionSettingsEx | The IPivotDimensionSettingsEx interface is used to work with additional settings of data source dimension. | |
IPivotDimElementsDetailing | The IPivotDimElementsDetailing interface contains properties and method for working with the collection of drill downs of dimension elements. |
IPivotDimElementsDetailingItem | The IPivotDimElementsDetailingItem interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with dimension element drill down. |
IPivotDimNaming | The IPivotDimNamings interface contains properties that are used to work with dimension elements name. | |
IPivotDimNamings | The IPivotDimNamings interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with dimension names collection. | |
IPivotEvaluator | The IPivotEvaluator interface contains properties that are used to work with calculated table factors. | |
IPivotEvaluatorDimCalculates | The IPivotEvaluatorDimCalculates interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with the collection of calculated elements by table dimensions. | |
IPivotEvaluatorDimCalculatesItem | The IPivotEvaluatorDimCalculatesItem interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with the calculated elements by specified dimension. | |
IPivotEvaluatorDimCalculatesList | The IPivotEvaluatorDimCalculatesList interface contains properties of the collection of calculated factors that were created relative to any dimension element. | |
IPivotEvaluatorDynamics | The IPivotEvaluatorDynamics interface contains properties that are used to work with factors dynamics in various table elements. | |
IPivotEvaluatorDynamicsHeader | The IPivotEvaluatorDynamicsHeader interface contains properties that are used to build factors dynamics by the selected table element. | |
IPivotEvaluatorTotals | The IPivotEvaluatorTotals interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with the collection of totals that are calculated by various table elements. | |
IPivotEvaluatorTotalsItem | The IPivotEvaluatorTotalsItem interface contains properties of totals element that are calculated on a specific level of table dimension. | |
IPivotEvents | The IPivotEvents interface is used to implement table handler events. | |
IPivotException | The IPivotException interface contains properties and methods that are used to get information about an error occurred in the table. | |
IPivotFilter | The IPivotFilter interface contains properties that determine data filtering parameters. | |
IPivotFilterAttributeLink | The IPivotFilterAttributeLink interface contains filter properties by dimension attributes links. | |
IPivotFilterAttributeLinks | The IPivotFilterAttributeLinks interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with the collection of filters by dimensions attributes links. | |
IPivotFilterRange | The IPivotFilterRange interface contains properties that are used to determine a data filtering (highlighting) area. | |
IPivotFilterSettings | The IPivotFilterSettings interface is used to work with data filtering parameters. | |
IPivotFilterSource | The IPivotFilterSource interface contains filter properties. | |
IPivotFilterSources | The IPivotFilterSources interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with the filters collection. | |
IPivotHeader | The IPivotHeader interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with the collection of dimensions located in the selected table header. | |
IPivotHeaderEvaluatedSlot | The IPivotHeaderEvaluatedSlot interface is used to work with a calculated column or row in table sidehead. | |
IPivotHeaderEvaluatedSlots | The IPivotHeaderEvaluatedSlots interface is used to work with the collection of calculated columns and rows in table sidehead. | |
IPivotHeaderFilterSettings | The IPivotHeaderFilterSettings interface is used to work with row or column header filtering settings. | |
IPivotHeaderNumbering | The IPivotHeaderNumbering interface contains properties that are used to control numbering in table headers. | |
IPivotHeaderSettings | The IPivotHeaderSettings interface is used to work with row or column header settings. | |
IPivotHighlightItem | The IPivotHighlightItem interface contains properties of the table data highlighting condition. | |
IPivotHighlightItems | The IPivotHighlightItems interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with the collection of table data highlighting conditions. | |
IPivotInsteadOwnerTotalsSettings | The IPivotInsteadOwnerTotalsSettings interface is used to work with settings of displaying totals in parent element row. | |
IPivotPareto | The IPivotPareto interface contains properties for getting 80/20 analysis parameters by various elements. | |
IPivotParetoSettings | The IPivotParetoSettings interface contains properties that are used to determine distribution parameters. | |
IPivotParetoSettingsItem | The IPivotParetoSettingsItem interface is used to work with settings of minimum or maximum values selection on using the Top/Bottom analysis. | |
IPivotSorter | The IPivotSorter interface is used to work with sorting parameters by various table elements. | |
IPivotSortItem | The IPivotSortItem interface is used to work with table sorting. | |
IPivotTable | The IPivotTable interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with table data. | |
IPivotTableCellChangeEventArgs | The IPivotTableCellChangeEventArgs interface contains properties of argument of the event that occurs after changing table cell data. | |
IPivotTableCellEventArgs | The IPivotTableCellEventArgs interface contains properties of argument of the event that occurs on table cell data change. | |
IPivotTableHeader | The IPivotTableHeader interface contains properties that are used to work with table headers. | |
IPivotTables | The IPivotTables interface contains properties that are used to work with the collection of variants of data tables. |
See also:
Introduction | Pivot Assembly Enumerations | Pivot Assembly Classes | Examples