
Assembly: Pivot;


The IPivotHeaderEvaluatedSlots interface is used to work with the collection of calculated columns and rows in table sidehead.

Inheritance Hierarchy



Foresight Analytics Platform uses the Fore programming language to display calculated values in table headers as:

The values in calculated columns and rows are calculated by the formula consisting of table dimension attributes.

NOTE. A number of calculated rows and columns may slow down table performance due to calculation of formulas of calculated rows and columns.

To get the collection of calculated columns or rows, use the IPivotHeader.EvaluatedSlots property.


  Property name Brief description
Count The Count property returns the number of columns or rows of the collection.
Item The Item property returns calculated column or row with the specified index.


  Method name Brief description
Add The Add method adds a calculated column or row to the collection.
Clear The Clear method clears a collection of columns or rows.
FindByKey The FindByKey method searches for a column or row with the specified key in the collection.
IndexOf The IndexOf method returns index of the specified calculated column or row.
Move The Move method moves calculated column or row to the specified position.
Remove The Remove method removes calculated column or row with the specified index.
RemoveByKey The RemoveByKey method removes calculated column or row with the specified key.

See also:

Pivot Assembly Interfaces