
Assembly: Pivot;


The IPivotEvents interface is used to implement table handler events.

Inheritance Hierarchy



Table event handler is used only within the session and is not saved together with the report that is why it is reasonable to use forms instead of units.

Methods of this interface should be implemented in a custom class. To set event handlers, set the IPivot.EventsEnabled property to True and add the event handler using the IPivot.AddEventHandler method. To disable a custom event handler, use the IPivot.RemoveEventHandler method.


  Method name Brief description
OnAfterDataSourceExecute The OnAfterDataSourceExecute method implements the event that occurs after data source calculation.
OnAfterDrillUpThrough The OnAfterDrillUpThrough method implements the event that occurs after drilling down table data into a relational table.
OnAfterSelSetChanged The OnAfterSelSetChanged method implements the event that occurs after changing data source selection.
OnBeforeDataSourceChange The OnBeforeDataSourceChange method implements the event that occurs before changing data source display version.
OnBeforeDataSourceExecute The OnBeforeDataSourceExecute method implements the event that occurs before data source calculation.
OnBeforeDrillDownThrough The OnBeforeDrillDownThrough method implements the event that occurs before drilling down tale data into a relational table.
OnBeforeSelectionChangeSent The OnBeforeSelectionChangeSent method implements the event that occurs before changing data source dimension selection.
OnBeforeTableRefresh The OnBeforeTableRefresh method implements the event that occurs before table refresh.
OnBroughtOutDimHeaderChange The OnBroughtOutDimHeaderChange method implements the event that occurs on changing the header, which contains dimensions.
OnChange The OnChange method implements the event that occurs on making changes to table base structure.
OnDataSourceChange The OnDataSourceChange method implements the event that occurs on changing data source.
OnFilterSeparateHeadersChange The OnFilterSeparateHeadersChange method implements the event that occurs on changing separate row and column filtering.
OnFinishExecute The OnFinishExecute method implements the event that occurs after all changes and calculations in table are applied.
OnHeaderChange The OnHeaderChange method implements the event that occurs on changing table header.
OnHighlightChange The OnHighlightChange method implements the event that occurs on changing table highlighting.
OnMatrixerChange The OnMatrixerChange method implements the event that occurs on changing data matrix.
OnParamChange The OnParamChange method implements the event that occurs on changing table base parameters.
OnPivotTableCellChange The OnPivotTableCellChange method implements the event that occurs on changing tale cell data.
OnPivotTableCellChanged The OnPivotTableCellChanged method implements the event that occurs after changing table cell data.
OnPivotTableEvent The OnPivotTableEvent method implements the event that occurs on generating a table event.
OnSelectionChange2 The OnSelectionChange2 method implements the event that occurs on changing data source dimension selection.
OnSelectionContentChange The OnSelectionContentChange method implements the event that occurs on changing dimension selection elements contents.
OnSelectionStructureChange The OnSelectionStructureChange method implements the event that occurs on changing dimension selection elements structure.
OnStartExecute The OnStartExecute method implements the event that occurs when changes and calculations in table are applied.

See also:

Pivot Assembly Interfaces