
Assembly: Pivot;


The IPivotDimensionSettingsEx interface is used to work with additional settings of data source dimension.

Inheritance Hierarchy




To get the object of this type, use the IPivotDimension.Settings property.


  Property name Brief description
Filter The Filter property returns special data filtering parameters by dimension.
MergedElement The MergedElement property determines index of the elements, which name will be merged with dimension elements on the upper level.
MergedSelection The MergedSelection property returns selection of merged dimension elements.
MergeTopDown The MergeTopDown property determines whether merged dimension elements are tucked into one row or column with elements of the previous dimension.

Properties inherited from IPivotDimensionSettings

  Property name Brief description
GetKeepLeafParents The GetKeepLeafParents property returns whether parent elements are displayed for leaf elements.
IsJoinAdditionalAttributes The IsJoinAdditionalAttributes property returns whether additional dimension names are joined.
IsLeafElementsOnly The IsLeafElementsOnly property returns whether only leaf elements are displayed.
JoinAdditionalAttributes The JoinAdditionalAttributes property determines whether additional dimension names are joined.
KeepLeafParents The KeepLeafParents property determines whether parent elements are displayed for dimension leaf elements.
LeafElementsOnly The LeafElementsOnly property determines whether only dimension leaf elements are displayed.

See also:

Pivot Assembly Interfaces