
Assembly: Pivot;


The IPivotEvaluatorTotals interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with the collection of totals that are calculated by various table elements.

Inheritance Hierarchy



To work with settings of displaying totals in parent element row, use the IPivotInsteadOwnerTotalsSettings interface.


  Property name Brief description
ColumnTotalName The ColumnTotalName property determines a custom name of totals displayed by columns.
ColumnTypes The ColumnTypes property determines a type of the totals that are calculated by columns.
Count The Count property returns the number of elements of the totals that are set for the table.
DataSourceTotalsDefined The DataSourceTotalsDefined property returns whether there is the configured aggregation for data source facts.
Enabled The Enabled property determines whether totals are calculated in a table.
EvaluateForSingleElement The EvaluateForSingleElement property determines whether totals should be calculated if a level contains only one element.
HierarchyTotals The HierarchyTotals property determines whether totals are calculated by hierarchy.
IsCommonTotalsAvailable The IsCommonTotalsAvailable property returns whether totals configured in the data source are calculated.
IncludeOwner The IncludeOwner property determines whether top values are taken into account during totals calculation.
Item The Item property returns the element of the totals calculated for the table.
LeftHeaderSettings The LeftHeaderSettings property returns sidehead header settings.
LevelTotals The LevelTotals property determines whether totals by levels of dimensions are calculated.
OverallTotal The OverallTotal property determines whether grand total is calculated.
PlaceBeforeData The PlaceBeforeData property determines whether to output totals before data.
RowTotalName The RowTotalName property determines a custom name of totals displayed by rows.
RowTypes The RowTypes property determines a type of the totals calculated by rows.
TopHeaderSettings The TopHeaderSettings property returns heading header settings.
TreatEmptyAsZero The TreatEmptyAsZero property determines whether empty values are treated as zero values.


  Method name Brief description
Add The Add property adds an element of the totals that are calculated by the specified level of the specified dimension.
Clear The Clear property clears all the elements of the totals that are calculated for the table.
Remove The Remove property removes a totals element.

See also:

Pivot Assembly Interfaces