
Assembly: Pivot;


The IPivotParetoSettings interface contains properties that are used to determine distribution parameters.

Inheritance Hierarchy



To get an object of this type, use IPivotPareto.ColumnsSettings, IPivotPareto.RowsSettings.

Distribution is applied only to one row or column.


  Property name Brief description
BottomSettings The BottomSettings property returns settings of minimum values in row or column on using the Top/Bottom analysis.
ElementIndex The ElementIndex property determines index of the column or row, for which distribution is applied.
Enabled The Enabled property determines whether distribution is applied.
OtherAggregation The OtherAggregation property determines the aggregation method applied to the data that is not included into the output distribution set.
TopSettings The TopSettings property returns settings of maximum values selection in row or column on using the Top/Bottom analysis.

See also:

Pivot Assembly Interfaces