ColumnsSettings: IPivotParetoSettings;
The ColumnsSettings property returns 80/20 analysis parameters, set by columns.
Executing the example requires a form with the Button1 button, the UiErAnalyzer component named UiErAnalyzer1 and the TabSheetBox component that is used to display data.
Sub Button1OnClick(Sender: Object; Args: IMouseEventArgs);
Eax: IEaxAnalyzer;
Pivot: IPivot;
Pareto: IPivotPareto;
ColumnsSetting: IPivotParetoSettings;
Eax := UiErAnalyzer1.Instance As IEaxAnalyzer;
Pivot := Eax.Pivot;
Pareto := Pivot.Pareto;
//By columns
ColumnsSetting := Pareto.ColumnsSettings;
ColumnsSetting.ElementIndex := 0;
ColumnsSetting.Enabled := True;
End Sub Button1OnClick;
Clicking the button by the data of the first column applies the 80/20 analysis. The analysis picks 30% of maximum values.
See also: