Pivot Assembly Enumerations

  Enumeration Brief description
PivotAggregationOperation The PivotAggregationOperation enumeration contains aggregation methods that are used in fixed dimensions in case of elements multiple selection.
PivotDimensionLevelNumberingType The PivotDimensionLevelNumberingType enumeration contains numbering type.
PivotDimPosition The PivotDimPosition enumeration contains positions of dimension insertion in the selected table header.
PivotEvaluatorDimCalcType The PivotEvaluatorDimCalcType enumeration contains types of the calculated factor that is calculated for express report.
PivotEvaluatorElementType The PivotEvaluatorElementType enumeration contains types of totals that should be calculated by table rows and/or columns.
PivotEvaluatorTotalDisposition The PivotEvaluatorTotalDisposition enumeration contains types of totals, relative to which the calculated factor is calculated.
PivotExceptionType The PivotExceptionType enumeration contains types of errors that may occur in the table.
PivotFilterArea The PivotFilterArea enumeration contains areas in a data table, for which the filtering (highlighting) are used.
PivotFilterElements The PivotFilterElements enumeration contains filtered table elements.
PivotFilterType The PivotFilterType enumeration contains types of condition, by which the data is selected to be filtered.
PivotHighlightType The PivotHighlightType enumeration contains conditions, according to which the highlighted data is selected.
PivotMergedNamingMode The PivotMergedNamingMode enumeration contains options for merging names of elements from different dimensions.
PivotNumberingFormat The PivotNumberingFormat enumeration contains numbering formats.
PivotObtainDataMode The PivotObtainDataMode enumeration is used to determine data transformation mode in table.
PivotParetoKind The PivotParetoKind enumeration contains types of calculating the number of values, satisfying a set method of filtering by the 80/20 analysis.
PivotRankType The PivotRankType enumeration contains methods of ranking data in the table.
PivotSortDiapason The PivotSortDiapason enumeration contains the modes, in which the table is sorted.
PivotSortDirection The PivotSortDirection enumeration contains sorting directions that should be set by the specified table element.
PivotSortKind The PivotSortKind enumeration is used to determine sorting type.
PivotTableEventType The PivotTableEventType enumeration contains table event types.
PivotTotalParentNamingMode The PivotTotalParentNamingMode enumeration contains types of element names displayed in parent element row.
PivotTotalPosition The PivotTotalPosition enumeration is used to determine location of totals.

PivotTotalType The PivotTotalType enumeration is used to store total types.
PivotValueArea The PivotValueArea enumeration contains areas of data view.
PivotValueType The PivotValueType enumeration contains formats of data view in the table.
PivotViewMode The PivotViewMode enumeration contains modes of data table displaying.
PivotViewOptions The PivotViewOptions enumeration contains modes of data table displaying, if there are composite dimensions in a source.

See also:

Introduction | Pivot Assembly Interfaces | Pivot Assembly Classes | Examples