

The PivotAggregationOperation enumeration contains aggregation methods that are used in fixed dimensions in case of elements multiple selection.

It is used by the IPivot.FixedElementsAggregation property.

Available Values

Value Brief description
0 None. Do not use aggregation in fixed dimensions.
1 Sum. Values sum by selected elements.
2 DataSource. Aggregation method is used that is set up for dimensions of data source.

If aggregation is set in a data source by fixed dimension, aggregated data is calculated and displayed. If aggregation is not set in a data source by a fixed dimension, values of the first selected element are displayed.

3 Max. Maximum value by selected elements.
4 Min. Minimum value by selected elements.
5 Avg. Average by selected elements.
6 Facts. Aggregation method is used that is set up for facts of the data source.

See also:

Pivot Assembly Enumerations