

The IPivotEvaluatorDimCalculatesItem interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with calculated elements by the specified dimension.


  Property name Brief description
CalculatedElement The CalculatedElement property returns the unique identifier of the calculated element in dimension.
CalculatedName The CalculatedName property determines a calculated element name by this dimension.
Count The Count property returns the number of calculated elements that are available for this dimension.
Dim The Dim property returns data of the dimension, for which the work with calculated elements is executed.
Enabled The Enabled property determines whether the specified calculated factor was calculated.
Expression The Expression property returns the expression, according to which the calculated element is calculated.
Relation The Relation property determines insertion position of the calculated element relative to the RelationElement element.
RelationElement The RelationElement property determines the dimension element, relative to which the calculated element is inserted.
Type The Type property returns calculated factor type.


  Method name Brief description
AddCalculatedElement The AddCalculatedElement method creates a new calculated element for this dimension.
AddPercentCalculate The AddPercentCalculate method creates a calculated factor that calculates percentage value of a cell relative to a total value.
Clear The Clear method deletes all calculated elements by this dimension.
FindByDimElement The FindByDimElement method searches for all calculated factors created relative to the specified dimension element.
RemoveCalculatedElement The RemoveCalculatedElement method removes calculated element.

See also:

Pivot Assembly Interfaces