System Assembly Classes

  Class Brief description
AccessViolationException The AccessViolationException class implements an instance of an error occurring during calling an object, which has not been created yet.
ArgumentException The ArgumentException class implements an instance of an error, occurring when one of the arguments, passed to a property (method), is unavailable.
ArgumentNullException The ArgumentNullException class implements an instance of an error occurring during an attempt to pass the Null value to a property (method), which does not accept it as an allowed value.
ArgumentOutOfRangeException The ArgumentOutOfRangeException class implements an instance of an error occurring when the value of one of the arguments passed to a property (method) is out of the boundaries of the allowed range.
ArithmeticException The ArithmeticException class implements an instance of an error, occurring during performing some arithmetic actions, as well as operations of conversion and transformation.
Array The Array class implements properties and methods of the Array data type and also variables that have this data type.
BindingManager The BindingManager class implements the object enabling initialization of value editor settings.
Boolean The Boolean class represents  logical data type.
Broadcast The Broadcast class implements an object that is used to exchange messages between desktop and web applications.
Char The Char class represents  character data type.
CultureInfo The CultureInfo class implements an object containing properties and methods for working with regional settings of a specific culture.
Currency The Currency class represents  currency data type.
DateTime The DateTime class represents  date and time.
Debug The Debug class implements an object that is used to display debugging messages.
Decimal The Decimal class represents  high precision decimal values.
DivideByZeroException The DivideByZeroException class implements an instance of an error occurring during overflow caused by division by 0.
Double The Double class represents number with double precision with floating point.
Exception The Exception class represents a base class for all exceptions, which may be thrown during execution of a custom code.
ExpressionStringHandler The ExpressionStringHandler class contains methods that are used to implement events that occur on converting expression elements.
ForeGarbageCollector The ForeGarbageCollector class implements an object that is used to start garbage collection.
ForeGC The ForeGC class implements static methods that are used to start garbage collection.
Guid The Guid class implements properties and methods of the Guid data type and also variables that have this data type.
GuidGenerator The GuidGenerator class implements a generator of global unique identifiers (GUID).
IndexOutOfRangeException The IndexOutOfRangeException class implements an instance of an error occurring during calling an array element with the index out of array bounds.
Int64 The Int64 class implements properties and methods of the Int64 data type and also variables that have this data type.
Integer The Integer class represents integer data type.
JsonArrayBuilder The JsonArrayBuilder class implements a new JSON array.
JsonDocument The JsonDocument class implements an object that is used to work with JSON structures.
JsonObjectBuilder The JsonObjectBuilder class implements a new JSON object.
Matrix The Matrix class is a basic class used to create dynamic matrices with data.
MatrixFactory The MatrixFactory class is used to create a matrix structure.
NotFiniteNumberException The NotFiniteNumberException class implements an instance of an error, occurring, when as a result of some actions, the output value is positive infinity, negative infinity, or is not a number (NaN).
Object The Object class is basic for all classes and types used in the Fore language.
OleException The OleException class implements an instance of an error occurring during working with OLE objects.
OverflowException The OverflowException class implements an instance of the error occurring when the internal buffer is overflowed.
RuntimeInterop Static properties of the RuntimeInterop class are used to get information on the last error occurred within the current application stream.
StackOverflowException The StackOverflowException class implements an instance of an error occurring during stack overflow.
String The String class represents string data type.
SysEventLog The SysEventLog class is used to create records in Windows event log.
SysSettings The SysSettings class implements an object used to work with BI server settings file settings.xml.
TextConverter The TextConverter class implements a converter used to convert text to various formats.
TimeSpan The TimeSpan class represents  time interval.
Variant The Variant class implements properties and methods of the Variant data type and also variables that have this data type.
Win32Exception The Win32Exception class implements an instance of an error, occurring during the work of Windows API functions.

See also:

System Assembly Interfaces | System Assembly Enumerations