
Assembly: System;


The JsonDocument class implements an object that is used to work with JSON structures.


To work with JSON structure, create an instance of the JsonDocument class and cast the obtained object to the IJsonDocument interface.

Class object properties inherited from IJsonDocument

  Property name Brief description
RootElement The RootElement property returns the root element of JSON structure.

Class object methods inherited from IJsonDocument

  Method name Brief description
ReadFromFile The ReadFromFile method loads JSON structure from the specified file.
ReadFromStream The ReadFromStream method loads JSON structure from a stream.
ReadFromString The ReadFromString method loads JSON structure from a string.
WriteToFile The WriteToFile method writes JSON structure to the specified file.
WriteToStream The WriteToStream method writes JSON structure to a stream.
WriteToString The WriteToString method returns string view of JSON structure.

See also:

System Assembly Classes