
Assembly: System;


The JsonArrayBuilder class implements a new JSON array.


To work with the array, create an instance of the JsonArrayBuilder class and cast the obtained object to the IJsonArrayBuilder interface.

Class object methods inherited from IJsonArrayBuilder

  Method name Brief description
AddArray The AddArray method adds a values array to the JSON array to be created.
AddArrayBuilder The AddArrayBuilder method adds elements from another JSON array to the current created JSON array.
AddBoolean The AddBoolean method adds a logical value to JSON array.
AddDouble The AddDouble method adds a real value to JSON array.
AddElement The AddElement method adds the existing element to JSON array.
AddInteger The AddInteger method adds an integer value to JSON array.
AddNull The AddNull method adds an empty value to JSON array.
AddObjectBuilder The AddObjectBuilder method adds an object to the current created JSON array.
AddString The AddString method adds a string value to JSON array.
Build The Build method returns the created JSON array.

See also:

System Assembly Classes