System Assembly Enumerations

  Enumeration Brief description
ApplicationMode The ApplicationMode enumeration contains repository connection modes.
ArrayOperationType The ArrayOperationType enumeration contains types of arithmetic operations with array elements.
CalendarDayOfWeek The CalendarDayOfWeek enumeration contains days of week.
CheckAlignment The CheckAlignment enumeration contains checkbox position options relative to text in controls.
CodePage The CodePage enumeration contains code pages of transformation tables, based on which data can be exported, and write/read access to text file can be implemented.
CustomFormatType The CustomFormatType enumeration contains the number of formats in the table cell.
DimComboSortDirection The DimComboSortDirection enumeration contains options of sorting dictionary elements by name.
ForeVariantType The ForeVariantType enumeration contains all basic data type supported in the platform.
IteratorDirection The IteratorDirection enumeration contains directions of movement in the matrix iterator.
JsonElementType The JsonElementType enumeration contains types of JSON structure elements.
JsonFormatOptions The JsonFormatOptions enumeration contains JSON structure view format.
LocaleCodeID The LocaleCodeID enumeration contains unique numeric identifiers of various languages and regional parameters.
MatrixOperation The MatrixOperation enumeration contains operations that must be carried out for the source matrix.
MatrixRankMethod The MatrixRankMethod enumeration contains methods for creating a ranking matrix.
NodeAttachMode The NodeAttachMode enumeration contains a position relative to another element, to which this tree element should be moved.
RdsElementCardStyle The RdsElementCardStyle enumeration contains types of display mode of the MDM repository elements card.
RWMutexLockType The RWMutexLockType enumeration contains types of locking, for which mutex is used.
SelectionModeEnum The SelectionModeEnum enumeration contains dictionary elements selection modes.
StringSplitOption The StringSplitOption enumeration contains types of separators that are used to split character strings.
SysEventType The SysEventType enumeration contains categories of records in Windows event log.
TaskContinuationOptions The TaskContinuationParameters enumeration contains conditions under which the antecedent task is to start the continuation.
TaskState Values of the TaskState enumeration contains that return task state.
TextFormat The TextFormat enumeration contains text formats, for which mutual conversion is available.
TimeUnits The TimeUnits enumeration contains time measurement units.
TriState The TriState enumeration contains constants that are used to indicate one of the three possible states.
UiLicenseFeatureType The UiLicenseFeatureType enumeration contains types of features used in Foresight Analytics Platform.
UiLicenseLockType The UiLicenseLockType enumeration contains types of license locking.
UiLicenseMode The UiLicenseMode enumeration contains license options.
UiLicenseStatusCode The UiLicenseStatusCode enumeration contains types of errors that occur on working with licenses.
UiLicenseType The UiLicenseType enumeration contains type of license application.
UiNavOpenMode The UiNavOpenMode enumeration contains a type of folder thatis used on opening object navigator as a root folder.

See also:

System Assembly Interfaces | System Assembly Classes