

The SelectionModeEnum enumeration contains dictionary elements selection modes.

It is used by the IBindingDimCombo.SelectionMode property.

Available Values

Value Brief description
0 None. Dictionary element selection mode is not determined.
1 SingleSelect. Single selection of elements. Focused element is always selected.
2 SingleSelectNullable. Single selection of elements. Selection may be missing for the focused element. Navigating the elements selects the focused element. On opening the context menu in the element area, the element is focused but not selected.
3 MultiSelect. Extended mode of multiple selection. Multiple selection is executed when an element is selected, navigating the elements does not reset selection. Holding down the CTRL key adds all child elements to a selection. On opening the context menu in the element area, the element is focused but not selected.
4 MultiSelectStandard. Standard mode of multiple selection. Holding down the SHIFT or CTRL key performs multiple selection, navigating the elements resets a selection and selects the focused element.

See also:

System Assembly Enumerations