

The TaskContinuationParameters enumeration contains conditions, under which the next task is started for execution.

It is used by the following property:

Available Values

Value Brief description
0 None. Default behavior. The task is executed asynchronously regardless of the final status of the previous one.
65536 NotOnRanToCompletion. The task is not executed if the previous one was executed successfully.
131072 NotOnFaulted. The task is not executed if the previous one failed with error.
196608 OnlyOnCanceled. The task is executed if the previous one was canceled.
262144 NotOnCanceled. The task is not executed if the previous one was canceled.
327680 OnlyOnFaulted. The task is executed if the previous one failed with error.
393216 OnlyOnRanToCompletion. The task is executed if the previous one was executed successfully.
524288 ExecuteSynchronously. The task is executed synchronously in the same thread with the main program that started the task.

See also:

System Assembly Enumerations