

The UiLicenseFeatureType enumeration contains types of features used in Foresight Analytics Platform.

It is used by the following properties:

Available Values

Value Brief description
0 Unknown. License type is not determined.
1 PrognozPlatform. The AnalyticsPlatform base feature enables the user to establish repository connection and to work with the following tools: object navigator, MDM dictionaries, workspace, update manager, repository manager.
2 Study. Reserved for internal use.
3 Dashboard. Dashboards.

NOTE. The value is not used, it is left for compatibility with earlier versions. Use DashboardViewer and DashboardEditor.

4 Report. Reports.

NOTE. The value is not used, it is left for compatibility with earlier versions. Use ReportViewer and ReportEditor.

5 OLAP. Analytical queries (OLAP).
6 TimeSeries. Time series analysis.
7 Modeling. Modeling and forecasting.
9 DWDesigner. Data warehouse designer. The feature enables the user to edit data source dimensions in the tools and open the following objects for edit: database, data import, all types of cubes, all types of dictionaries, ADOMD catalogs, tables, procedures, DBMS commands, time series databases, MDM repository.
10 DevEnv. Development environment.
11 Adm. Administration.
12 ExcelAddin. Microsoft Excel add-in.
13 WordAddin. Microsoft Word add-in.
14 Stat. Statistics.
15 Light. Reserved for internal use.
16 PowerPointAddin. PowerPoint add-in.
18 DashboardViewer. Dashboards. View.
19 DashboardEditor. Dashboards. Edit.
20 ReportViewer. Reports. View.
21 ReportEditor. Reports. Edit.
22 ETL. ETL task.
23 Scheduler. Task scheduler.


Each type of feature is used to get permissions to work with one or more tools. For details about license types see the About Foresight Analytics Platform Features subsection.

See also:

System Assembly Enumerations