
Assembly: System;


The SysSettings class implements an object that is used to work with BI server settings file settings.xml.


On initializing an object of this class if the settings.xml file does not exist, it will be created. If the file exists, all settings are read from it. The file contents can be accessed by using the ISysSettings.Root property.

Class object properties inherited from ISysSettings

  Property name Brief description
CriticalLock The CriticalLock property locks the current object instance that is used to edit the settings file.
Location The Location property returns location of the settings.xml settings file.
Root The Root property returns parameters of the Root element from the settings file.

Class object methods inherited from ISysSettings

  Method name Brief description
Commit The Commit method saves changes in the settings file.
Refresh The Refresh method refreshes information about the current instance of the object by loading available changes from the settings file.

See also:

System Assembly Classes