

The TimeSpan class represents time interval.

Properties of the TimeSpan Class

  Property name Brief description
MaxValue The MaxValue property returns the maximum value of TimeSpan.
MinValue The MinValue property returns the minimum value of TimeSpan.
Zero The Zero property returns the zero value of TimeSpan.

Methods of the TimeSpan Class

  Method name Brief description
Add The Add method increases the specified time interval by the specified amount.
Compose The Compose method creates a time interval from the specified input parameters.
FromDays The FromDays method creates a time interval of the specified number of days.
FromDouble The FromDouble method returns time interval value obtained by conversion from the Double format.
FromHours The FromDays method creates a time interval of the specified number of days.
FromMilliseconds The FromMilliseconds method creates a time interval of the specified number of milliseconds.
FromMinutes The FromDays method creates a time interval of the specified number of days.
FromSeconds The FromMilliseconds method creates a time interval of the specified number of milliseconds.
Parse The Parse method converts a string value to the TimeSpan type.
Subtract The Subtract method decreases the time interval by the specified amount.

Properties of Variables of the TimeSpan Type

  Property name Brief description
Days The Days property returns the number of full days in the time interval.
Duration The Duration property returns the absolute value of the time interval.
Hours The Hours property returns the number of full hours in the time interval.
Milliseconds The Milliseconds property returns the number of full milliseconds in the time interval.
Minutes The Minutes property returns the number of full minutes in the time interval.
Negate The Negate property returns the time interval that is opposite to the given one.
Seconds The Seconds property returns the number of full seconds in the time interval.
ToDouble The ToDouble property returns the value of a time interval in the Double format.
ToString The ToString property returns the value of the time interval converted into string type.
TotalDays The TotalDays property returns the time interval in days.
TotalHours The TotalHours property returns the time interval in hours.
TotalMilliseconds The TotalMilliseconds property returns length of the time interval in milliseconds.
TotalMinutes The TotalMinutes property returns the time interval in minutes.
TotalSeconds The TotalSeconds property returns the time interval in seconds.

See also:

System Assembly Classes