

The Double class represents numbers with double precision with floating point.

Properties of the Double Class

  Property name Brief description
Epsilon The Epsilon property returns the minimum positive value of a non-zero real number.
MaxValue The MaxValue property returns the maximum value of the Double type.
MinValue The MinValue property returns the minimum value of the Double type.
Nan The NaN property returns a fixed non-numeric value of the Double type.
NegativeInfinity The NegativeInfinity property returns a value that is equivalent to negative infinity.
PositiveInfinity The PositiveInfinity property returns the value that is equivalent to positive infinity.

Methods of the Double Class

  Method name Brief description
Ceiling The Ceiling method rounds up a real value to an integer. Executing the example results in a real value.
CeilingInt The CeilingInt method rounds up a real number to an integer. Executing the example results in an integer value.
Compare The Compare method compares two real numbers without taking into account precision.
Equals The Equals method compares and returns whether two real numbers are equal.
Floor The Floor method rounds down a real value to an integer. Executing the example results in a real value.
FloorInt The FloorInt method rounds down a real value to an integer. Executing the example results in an integer value.
IsInfinity The IsInfinity method checks if the value of the variable is equivalent to positive or negative infinity.
IsNan The IsNaN method checks if the value of the variable is equal to a fixed non-numeric value.
IsNegativeInfinity The IsNegativeInfinity method checks if the variable value is equal to negative infinity.
IsPositiveInfinity The IsPositiveInfinity method checks if the variable value is equal to positive infinity.
Parse The Parse method converts a string value to the Double type without validation.
Round The Round method rounds a real value to an integer. Executing the example results in a real value.
RoundInt The RoundInt method rounds a real value to an integer. Executing the example results in an integer value.
TryParse The TryParse method converts a string value into the Double type with validation.

Properties of Variables of the Double Type

  Property name Brief description
ToString The ToString property returns the value of the current variable converted into string type.

See also:

System Assembly Classes