Method name |
Brief description |
The ASCII method recodes value of the specified variable first character from the UTF-16 encoding to the ASCII encoding. |
Chr |
The Chr method returns character corresponding to the specified ASCII code. |
Concat |
The Concat method combines two specified substrings into one string. |
Contains |
The Contains method determines whether source string contains search substring. |
EndsWith_ |
The EndsWith_ method determines whether the end of source string contains search substring. |
Find |
The Find method returns number of the position of search substring beginning in the specified source string. |
Format |
The Format method returns the string formatted according to the specified instructions. |
Insert |
The Insert method inserts a substring into the specified place of the source string. |
Join |
The Join method combines the values of all the elements of the specified array into one string, using the specified delimiter. |
Left |
The Left method returns the specified number of characters from the left edge of string. |
Length_ |
The Length method returns the number of characters in the specified string. |
Max_ |
The Max_ method compares two strings character-by-character and returns the maximum one of them. |
Mid |
The Mid method returns substring of the specified length, which starts with the specified position number of source string. |
Min_ |
The Min_ method compares two strings character-by-character and returns the minimum one of them. |
PadLeft |
The PadLeft method adds the specified number of the specified characters to the left of the source string. |
PadRight |
The PadRight method adds the specified number of the specified characters to the right of the source string. |
Remove |
The Remove method deletes the specified number of characters, starting from the specified position in the source string. |
Replace |
The Replace method searches for the specified substring in the source string and replaces it with a new value. |
Right |
The Right method returns the specified number of characters from the right edge of string. |
Space |
The Space method returns the string with the specified number of spaces. |
StartsWith_ |
The StartsWith_ method determines whether the beginning of source string contains search substring. |
ToLower |
The ToLower method makes all the characters of the specified string lowercase. |
ToUpper |
The ToUpper method makes all the characters of the specified string uppercase. |
Trim |
The Trim method deletes all the spaces from the beginning and the end of the specified string. |
TrimEnd |
The TrimEnd method deletes all the spaces from the end of the specified string. |
TrimStart |
The TrimStart method deletes all the spaces from the beginning of the specified string. |
Method name |
Brief description |
Copy |
The Copy method creates a copy of the value of the current string. |
EndsWith |
The EndsWith method checks if the current string ends with the specified character string. |
IndexOf |
The IndexOf method returns the index of the first occurrence of the specified substring in the current string. |
IndexOfAny |
The IndexOfAny method returns the index of the first occurrence of any of characters of the specified substring in the current string. |
IsEmpty |
The IsEmpty method returns the attribute of empty variable value. |
LastIndexOf |
The LastOndexOf method returns the index of the last occurrence of the specified substring in the current string. |
LastIndexOfAny |
The LastOndexOfAny method returns the index of the last occurrence of any of the characters of the specified substring in the current string. |
Split |
The Split method splits the current string into a character substring array, using the specified delimiter. |
StartsWith |
The StartsWith method checks if the current string begins with the specified string of characters. |
SubString |
The SubString method returns a substring from the current string. |