Executing Process Steps in Manual Mode

Manual execution mode is available for the steps:

To execute process steps in manual mode:

  1. Open process monitoring after starting process.

  2. Select the instance with required set of parameters in the process tree.

  3. Select the process, subprocess or process stage element in the working area.

  4. Open the linked object:

In the dialog box that opens and that depends on the type of the selected step, execute the required operations:

NOTE. It is available only in the desktop application

  1. Finish the step:

If the Subprocess Call step with the selected Group Call parameter is executed manually, then after the step is finished, the Start Subprocesses dialog box opens to start subprocesses. It is available only in the desktop application.

NOTE. The linked object enables the user to finish the step, in which data entry form is used.

If required, enter comments in the Comment box.

After the step is finished, it is available to reject the next step and come back to the previous step. If the step was rejected, to finish the rejected step, repeat the finishing of the previous step. After all steps are executed, the process instance will be deleted from the process tree.

See also:

Process Monitoring | Executing Process Steps in Automatic Mode | Executing Subprocess Steps | Rejecting Process Step | Process Stages/Steps Execution Log