Creating the Manual Action Step

The Manual Action step is used to describe tasks executed by the user without any automated execution operation. For example, the contract signature or discharge of goods.

To create a step:

Open the wizard

To set up the Manual Action step:

  1. Determine basic step properties and also step description parameters:

After basic step properties are determined, on the parameters panel select step execution owner for the Manual Action step in the Owner drop-down list on the Settings tab.

Set the following parameters on the Step Description page for the Manual Action step after determining basic step properties:

If there is no required group of users in the list, click the Open Security Manager button. The dialog box of security manager of Foresight Analytics Platform opens, which enables the user to create the required group of users.

The selected user will get default access to read and write to data segment.

  • Step Execution Time. Specify the time, in which a step should be executed on process execution. Execution time is counted from step activation.

Enter a numeric value of step execution time and select a time measurement unit in the list: minute, hour, day (default), week, month, quarter, half-year, or year.

To determine time, by which step must be finished, select the Finish Step By checkbox. When the Minute or Hour measurement units are selected, this box is hidden.

If the step is not finished by the scheduled execution period, the step status becomes Expired.

The step execution period impacts the whole process execution period, which is determined during process start.

  • Step Description. The box is optional. A text box for entering a comment for a step.

NOTE. During step execution the specified parameters will be displayed in the Information about Manual Action Step dialog box, which opens on selecting the Open Linked Object item.

After the parameters have been determined on the Step Description page, click the Next button.

  1. Set up actions executed automatically on step execution start or end:

To create a list of executed operations:

  1. Select the configured event on the parameters panel on the Events tab. The following events are available:

    • Before Execution. The list of actions will be started before executing the current step in the specified order.

    • After Execution. The list of actions will be started after executing the current step in the specified order.

    • On Rejection. The list of actions will be started on the current step rejection. The list is available for steps with manual execution. If the step is executed automatically, the tab is not displayed.

    • On Deadline Disruption. The list of actions will be started on deadline disruption to execute the current step in the specified order. To execute the actions:

      • When the server execution of processes is selected, select the Check Deadline Disruption of Steps checkbox on the Scheduler page and set check frequency.

      • When the client execution of processes is selected, select the Check Deadline Disruption item on the Administration page.

  1. Click the Add button on the toolbar and select the added action:

    • Fore Method. Fill in mandatory boxes highlighted with rose:

      • Assembly. The box is mandatory. In the drop-down list select a Fore unit, the list contains all repository units and folders containing units. Search by unit name is available.

      • Method. The box is mandatory. Select a method in the drop-down list. The list contains all unit methods corresponding to the signature:

Sub <Fore-method name>(Sender: IBProcessInstance; Args: IBProcessStepStateEventArgs);


Sender. Process instance.

Args. Event information: step, step old state, new state.

    • Message. Set message parameters:

      • To. Enter address of one or several main recipients separated by the ; character. The box is mandatory.

      • Copy. Enter address of one or several recipients separated by the ; character.

      • BCC. Enter address of one or several recipients separated by the ; character. The address will be hidden from other message recipients.

      • Subject. Enter message subject.

      • Object Link. Add a link to the step object in the drop-down list: algorithm, regular report, data entry form. Multiple selection is available.

When the object is selected, the Message box displays web application URL: http://app_name/#/app/obj?key=<obj_key>&mode=view&repo=<repo_id>, where app_name is name of opened web application, repo_id is identifier of the current repository, obj_key is key of the selected object.

      • Message. Enter message text.

      • Attached File. Attach files to the message. Each attached file is displayed below the edit box. To remove the file, click the Remove button to the right of the attached file name.

NOTE. The number of added actions is unlimited.

To reorder executed operations, use the Move Up and Move Down buttons on the toolbar on the Events tab. To delete operations, use the Delete button.

The list of automatically executed actions can be empty.

To create a list of executed operations:

  1. Select the tab with the configured event on the Events wizard page. The following events are available:

    • Before Execution. The list of actions will be started before executing the current step in the specified order.

    • After Execution. The list of actions will be started after executing the current step in the specified order.

    • On Rejection. The list of actions will be started on the current step rejection. The list is available for steps with manual execution. If the step is executed automatically, the tab is not displayed.

    • On Deadline Disruption. The list of actions will be started on deadline disruption to execute the current step in the specified order. To execute the actions:

      • When the server execution of processes is selected, select the Check Deadline Disruption of Steps checkbox on the Scheduler page and set check frequency.

      • When the client execution of processes is selected, select the Check Deadline Disruption item on the Administration page.

  1. Click the Add button on the toolbar and select the added action:

    • Execute Fore Method. Determine:

      • Unit. In the drop-down list select a unit written in the Fore language, the list contains all repository units and folders containing units. Search by unit name is available.

To edit the selected unit, click the Edit button.

To create a unit, click the Add button.

      • Method. In the drop-down list select a method. The list contains all unit methods corresponding to the signature:

Sub <Fore-method name>(Sender: IBProcessInstance; Args: IBProcessStepStateEventArgs);


Sender. Process instance.

Args. Event information: step, step old state, new state.

To refresh the methods list, click the Refresh List button.

To copy method signature, click the Copy Signature button.

    • Send Email.  Set message parameters:

      • To. Enter address of one or several main recipients separated by the ; character. The box is mandatory.

      • Copy. Enter address of one or several recipients separated by the ; character.

      • BCC. Enter address of one or several recipients separated by the ; character. The address will be hidden from other message recipients.

      • Subject. Enter message subject.

      • Contents. Enter message contents using the option of variables values substitution with step parameters, links to step objects to view in the web application, file attachments.

NOTE. The number of added actions is unlimited.

To reorder operations, use the Move Up and Move Down buttons on the toolbar in the Events wizard. To delete operations, use the Delete button.

The list of automatically executed actions can be empty.

To determine parameters on the Events page, click the Finish button.

After creating the process steps, proceed to setting up steps execution conditions.

See also:

Creating Stage Steps