Setting Up Scheduler for Business Processes

Scheduler setup for business processes includes business processes execution type definition, parameters setup for processes server execution and BI service URL specification. To set up scheduler, use the Scheduler page:

To open the Scheduler page

Set parameters:

NOTE. To provide a correct work of authorization objects, processes and linked data entry forms , processes must be executed on server. Client execution is used only for business processes parameters debug.

NOTE. Parallel execution of steps within one process is executed by different executors, if there are free executors. If there are no free executors, parallel steps are executed by the same executor.

NOTE. To check deadline disruption of steps when the client process execution is selected, select the Check Deadline Disruption item on the Administration page. It is available only in the desktop application.

NOTE. Execution of steps on BI server is available if the Execute Calculation Steps and Fore Method Steps in BI Service checkbox is selected during process basic properties setup.

When setting up execution of resource-intensive tasks make sure that the BI server contains the registry.reg or Metabases.xml file with repository connection settings.

After changing scheduler settings click the Save button in the web application or the Apply button in the desktop application. In the web application the message is displayed informing that changes are saved successfully. In the desktop application the information window opens to confirm changes. After changes are confirmed, log in to the repository again.

When client execution is selected, additional settings are not required.

When server execution is selected, go to server process execution setup.

See also:

Setting Up Parameters and Administrating Business Processes | Setting Up Business Processes Parameters | Setting Up Business Processes Debug | Creating Service Tasks for Business Processes | Administrating Business Processes