Setting Up Business Processes Parameters

Business processes setup includes parameters of e-mail notification sending, monitoring parameters and advanced parameters of processes. To set up business processes parameters, use the Email Send Parameters/Parameters page:

NOTE. The web application allows only for setting up parameters of sending email notifications.

To open the Email Send Parameters/Parameters page

Set parameters:

NOTE. The box is available only in the web application.

Examples of displaying monitoring parameters

Examples of displaying start and end events

If authorization object and data entry form are used in the same process and their dimension selection matches, select the checkbox to display steps of running process in process tree of data entry form.

To edit the selected unit, click the button.

To create a unit, click the button.

Function <Fore method name>(Sender: IBProcessInstance; Args: IBProcessStepOpsCallbackArgs): BProcessStepOperations;


Sender. Process instance.

Args. Event information.

To copy method signature, click the button.

After setting up business process parameters click the Save button in the web application or the Apply button in the desktop application.

See also:

Setting Up Parameters and Administrating Business Processes | Setting Up Business Processes Scheduler | Setting Up Business Processes Debug | Creating Service Tasks for Business Processes | Administrating Business Processes