Setting Up Business Processes Events

During process creation one can set up a start event by time that will automatically start process execution in the specified period of time. It is available to set up process start once for the specific period, to set start time interval or period that will be repeated on process start. When the specified period occurs, the process starts with the specified parameters and the start event is successfully finished.

NOTE. To execute events, make sure that processes server execution is set up.

To add a start event, execute the following operations in the Set Up Business Process dialog box:

NOTE. To set up a start event in the web application, select the event and click the Settings button on the toolbar. The Start Event parameters panel opens.

Starting Process by Timer

To set up automatic process start by timer:

To do this:

    1. Set process start date and time:

NOTE. Clicking the Today button sets the current date and time.

        1. Set process start date and time in the Start Time/Start box.

        2. In the Repeat Every box select the frequency in days that is used for process start.

        1. Set process start date and time in the Start Time/Start box.

        2. In the Repeat Every box select the frequency in weeks that is used for process start.

        3. Select week days when the process will be started.

        1. Set process start date and time in the Start Time/Start box.

        2. Select months, in which the process will be started.

        3. Select one of the radio buttons:

          • By Days. Select the start day. The process will be started in the selected day of every month.

          • By Weeks. Select the week number in the month and the week day when the process will be started.

    1. Set condition of repetitive process start using the radio buttons:

NOTE. Conditions of repeated process start are unavailable if the Once automatic start option is selected.

NOTE. If start parameters are disabled, one instance without parameters is started. If the start parameter, which is a splitting parameter, was disabled for the Subprocess Call step, on the process execution the step finishes without subprocesses start.

The start event will be displayed in the very beginning o the process before all the steps in the web application on adding, and in the desktop application after saving settings:

NOTE. One can set up displaying of default events in the working area using the Display Default Start and End Events checkbox. Default events are visual elements of process execution start and end.

NOTE. If repetition of process start was set for the event more than once, till the specific period or infinitely, the icon in the desktop application and the icon in the web application appears after the process start in the right part of the start event block.

After saving, the process will be started in the specified period with the specified parameters.

See also:

Building Process | Creating Stage Steps | Setting Up Stage Steps Execution Conditions