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Drawing > Drawing Assembly Enumerations

Drawing Assembly Enumerations

  Enumeration Brief description
The GxBrushType enumeration contains available variants of brushes that can be used to draw any objects.
The GxCompositingQuality enumeration contains options of picture drawing quality.
The GxCorner enumeration contains types of angular point.
The GxDashCap enumeration contains types of dashed line endings that limit dashed lines.
The GxDashStyle enumeration contains display styles of lines.
The GxDrawTextFormat enumeration contains text rendering mode in report sheets, autoshapes and charts.
The GxEmfType enumeration contains metafile types.
The GxFontStyle enumeration contains font styles.
The GxHatchStyle enumeration contains hatching types.
The GxImageAlign enumeration contains options of image alignment relative to text.
The GxImageCodecFlags enumeration contains attributes of image codec.
The GxImageFlags enumeration contains image parameters.
The GxInterpolationMode enumeration contains modes of interpolation of a graphic object.
The GxKnownColor enumeration contains standard colors that need to be obtained.
The GxLineCap enumeration contains styles of the line end.
The GxLineJoin enumeration contains types of joining consequently placed lines or curve segments in the shape.
The GxPaperFormat enumeration contains page formats.
The GxPaperOrientation enumeration contains options of page orientation.
The GxPenAlignment enumeration contains options of pen alignment.
The GxPixelFormat enumeration contains pixel formats of the bit image.
The GxPrintOrder enumeration contains options of setting pages order on printing.
The GxQualityMode enumeration contains options of general quality while visualizing graphic objects.
The GxRotateFlipType enumeration contains types of image rotation and flipping.
The GxScaleType enumeration is used to determine a scale type.
The GxSmoothingMode enumeration contains modes of smoothing for graphics primitives.
The GxSparkNullValueBehavior enumeration contains methods of building a sparkline with empty data.
The GxStampAppearance enumeration contains layout variants for stamp on pages.
The GxSparkNullValueBehavior enumeration contains methods of building a sparkline with empty data.
The GxStringAlignment enumeration contains methods of horizontal text alignment.
The GxStringTrimming enumeration contains modes of text trimming.
The GxSystemColor enumeration contains system colors that need to be obtained.
The GxTextRenderingHint enumeration contains text output modes.
The GxThemeColor enumeration contains colors depending on the formatting theme in use.
The GxUnit enumeration contains graphic object measurement units.
The GxVerticalAlignment enumeration contains methods of vertical text alignment.
The GxWrapMode enumeration contains options of overlaying of the texture that is smaller than the area to be filled.
The StyleSheetType enumeration is used to determine styles table type.

See also:

Drawing Assembly Interfaces | Drawing Assembly Classes