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Drawing > Drawing Assembly Enumerations > GxKnownColor



The GxKnownColor enumeration contains standard colors that need to be obtained.

It is used by the following method:

Available Values

Value Brief description
4293982463 AliceBlue - alice blue color.
4294634455 AntiqueWhite - antique yellow color.
4286578644 Aquamarine - aquamarine color.
4293984255 Azure - azure color.
4294309340 Beige - beige color.
4294960324 Bisque - light brown color.
4278190080 Black - black color.
4294962125 BlanchedAlmond - blanched almond color.
4278190335 Blue - blue color.
4287245282 BlueViolet - blue violet color.
4289014314 Brown - brown color.
4292786311 BurlyWood - color of wood.
4284456608 CadetBlue - cadet blue color.
4286578432 Chartreuse - chartreuse color.
4291979550 Chocolate - chocolate color.
4294934352 Coral - light red, coral red color.
4284782061 CornfbottomBlue - corn flower blue color.
4294965468 Cornsilk - pale yellow color.
4292613180 Crimson - raspberry pink, dark red color.
4278255615 Cyan - cyan color.
4278190219 DarkBlue - dark blue color.
4278225803 DarkCyan - dark cyan color.
4290283019 DarkGoldenrod - dark golden color.
4289309097 DarkGray - dark gray color.
4278215680 DarkGreen - dark green color.
4290623339 DarkKhaki - dark khaki color.
4287299723 DarkMagenta - dark magenta color.
4283788079 DarkOliveGreen - dark olive green color.
4294937600 DarkOrange - dark orange color.
4288230092 DarkOrchid - dark orchid color.
4287299584 DarkRed - dark red color.
4293498490 DarkSalmon - dark salmon color.
4287609995 DarkSeaGreen - dark sea green color.
4282924427 DarkSlateBlue - dark slate blue color.
4281290575 DarkSlateGray - dark slate gray color.
4278243025 DarkTurquoise - dark turquoise color.
4287889619 DarkViolet - dark violet color.
4294907027 DeepPink - deep pink color.
4278239231 DeepSkyBlue - deep sky blue color.
4285098345 DimGray - dim gray color.
4280193279 DodgerBlue - dodger blue color.
4289864226 Firebrick - firebrick color.
4294966000 FloralWhite - floral white color.
4280453922 ForestGreen - forest green color.
4292664540 Gainsboro - gainsboro color.
4294506751 GhostWhite - ghost white color.
4294956800 Gold - golden color.
4292519200 Goldenrod - golden rod color.
4286611584 Gray - gray color.
4278222848 Green - green color.
4289593135 GreenYellow - green-yellow color.
4293984240 Honeydew - honey color.
4294928820 HotPink - hot pink color.
4291648604 IndianRed - indian red color.
4283105410 Indigo - indigo color.
4294967280 Ivory - ivory color.
4293977740 Khaki - khaki color.
4293322490 Lavender - lavender color.
4294963445 LavenderBlush - lavender blush color.
4286381056 LawnGreen - green lawn color.
4294965965 LemonChiffon - lemon chiffon color.
4289583334 LightBlue - light blue color.
4293951616 LightCoral - light coral color.
4292935679 LightCyan - light cyan color.
4294638290 LightGoldenrodYellow light goldenrod yellow color.
4292072403 LightGray - light gray color.
4287688336 LightGreen - light green color.
4294948545 LightPink - light pink color.
4294942842 LightSalmon - light salmon color.
4280332970 LightSeaGreen - light sea green color.
4287090426 LightSkyBlue - light sky blue color.
4286023833 LightSlateGray - light slate gray color.
4289774814 LightSteelBlue - light steel blue color.
4294967264 LightYellow - light yellow color.
4278255360 Lime - lime color.
4281519410 LimeGreen - lime green color.
4294635750 Linen - linen color.
4294902015 Magenta - magenta color.
4286578688 Maroon - maroon color.
4284927402 MediumAquamarine - medium aquamarine color.
4278190285 MediumBlue - medium blue color.
4290401747 MediumOrchid - medium orchid color.
4287852763 MediumPurple - medium purple color.
4282168177 MediumSeaGreen - medium sea green color.
4286277870 MediumSlateBlue - medium slate blue color.
4278254234 MediumSpringGreen - medium spring green color.
4282962380 MediumTurquoise - medium turquoise color.
4291237253 MediumVioletRed - medium violet red color.
4279834992 MidnightBlue - midnight blue color.
4294311930 MintCream - mint cream color.
4294960353 MistyRose - misty rose color.
4294960309 Moccasin - moccasin color.
4294958765 NavajoWhite - navajo white color.
4278190208 Navy - navy color.
4294833638 OldLace - old lace color.
4286611456 Olive - olive green color.
4285238819 OliveDrab - olive drab color.
4294944000 Orange - orange color.
4294919424 OrangeRed - orange red color.
4292505814 Orchid - orchid color.
4293847210 PaleGoldenrod - pale golden rod color.
4288215960 PaleGreen - pale green color.
4289720046 PaleTurquoise - pale turquoise color.
4292571283 PaleVioletRed - pale violet red color.
4294963157 PapayaWhip - papaya whip color.
4294957753 PeachPuff - peach puff color.
4291659071 Peru - peru color.
4294951115 Pink - pink color.
4292714717 Plum - plum color.
4289781990 PowderBlue - powder blue color.
4286578816 Purple - purple color.
4294901760 Red - red color.
4290547599 RosyBrown - rosy brown color.
4282477025 RoyalBlue - royal blue color.
4287317267 SaddleBrown - saddle brown color.
4294606962 Salmon - salmon color.
4294222944 SandyBrown - sandy brown color.
4281240407 SeaGreen - sea green color.
4294964718 SeaShell - sea shell color.
4288696877 Sienna - sienna color.
4290822336 Silver - silver color.
4287090411 SkyBlue - sky blue color.
4285160141 SlateBlue - slate blue color.
4285563024 SlateGray - slate green color.
4294966010 Snow - snow color.
4278255487 SpringGreen - spring green color.
4282811060 SteelBlue - steel blue color.
4291998860 Tan - tan color.
4278222976 Teal - teal color.
4292394968 Thistle - thistle color.
4294927175 Tomato - tomato color.
16777215 Transparent - transparent color.
4282441936 Turquoise - turquoise color.
4293821166 Violet - violet color.
4294303411 Wheat - wheat color.
4294967295 White - white color.
4294309365 WhiteSmoke - white smoke color.
4294967040 Yellow - yellow color.
4288335154 YellowGreen - yellow green color.

See also:

Drawing Assembly Enumerations