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Drawing > Drawing Assembly Enumerations > GxImageFlags



The GxImageFlags enumeration contains image parameters.

It is used by the following property:

Available Values

Value Brief description
0 None - no information about format.
1 Scalable - point data is scalable.
2 HasAlpha - point data contains alfa component data.
4 HasTranslucent - indicates that point data contains alfa values that are different from 0 (transparent) and 255 (opaque).
8 PartiallyScalable - points data is partially scalable but there are some constraints.
16 ColorareaRGB - points data uses the RGB color area.
32 ColorareaCMYK - points data uses CMYK color area.
64 ColorareaGRAY - points data is black and white.
128 ColorareaYCBCR - indicates that image is saved with the help of YCBCR color area.
256 ColorareaYCCK - indicates that image is saved with the help of YCCK color area.
4096 HasRealDPI - indicates that image resolution data is in pixels per inch.
8192 HasRealPixelSize - indicates that image size is in points.
65536 ReadOnly - points data is read-only.
131072 Caching - points data can be cached for quicker access.

See also:

Drawing Assembly Enumerations