Drawing > Drawing Assembly Enumerations > GxPixelFormat
The GxPixelFormat enumeration contains pixel formats of the bit image.
It is used by the following properties and methods:
Value | Brief description |
0 | Unknown. Points format is undefined. NOTE. The value cannot be used in the application code. It is kept to be compatible with previous versions. |
15 | Max. Maximum value of this enumeration. NOTE. The value cannot be used in the application code. It is kept to be compatible with previous versions. |
65536 | Indexed. Points data contains the values of the indexed colors, that is, the value is the color index in the system table of colors as opposed to the color values. NOTE. The value cannot be used in the application code. It is kept to be compatible with previous versions. |
131072 | Gdi. The points data contains the GDI colors. NOTE. The value cannot be used in the application code. It is kept to be compatible with previous versions. |
135173 | Format16bppRgb555. The format reserves 16 bits for a point: red, green and blue channels have 5 bits each. The remained bit is not used. |
135174 | Format16bppRgb565. The format reserves 16 bits for a point: red and blue channels have 5 bits each, 6 bits are reserved for green channel. |
137224 | Format24bppRgb. The format reserves 24 bits for a point: red, green and blue channels have 8 bits each. |
139273 | Format32bppRgb. The format reserves 24 bits for a point: red, green and blue channels have 8 bits each. The remained 8 bits are not used. |
196865 | Format1bppIndexed. The format reserves 1 bit for a point; the indexed color is used. Therefore, the table of colors contains two colors. |
197634 | Format4bppIndexed. The format reserves 4 bits for a point. The colors are indexed. |
198659 | Format8bppIndexed. The format reserves 8 bit for a point. The colors are indexed. Therefore, the table of colors contains 256 colors. |
262144 | Alpha. Data points contains alfa values that are multiplied inversely (starting from the high-order bit). NOTE. The value cannot be used in the application code. It is kept to be compatible with previous versions. |
397319 | Format16bppArgb1555. Pixels format is 16 bits for a point. Color information determines 32 768 hues where 5 bits are reserved for red channel, 5 bits are reserved for green channel, 5 bits are reserved for blue channel and 1 bit is reserved for alfa channel. |
524288 | PAlpha. Points data contains alfa values multiplied inversely. NOTE. The value cannot be used in the application code. It is kept to be compatible with previous versions. |
925707 | Format32bppPArgb. The format reserves 32 bits for a point: 8 bits for red, green and blue channels and also for alfa channel. Red, green and blue channels are multiplied inversely regarding alfa channel. |
1052676 | Format16bppGrayScale. Pixels format is 16 bits for a point. Color data supports 65 536 hues of gray color. |
1060876 | Format48bppRgb. The format reserves 48 bits for a pixel: 16 bits for red, green and blue channels. |
1851406 | Format64bppPArgb. The format reserves 24 bits for a point: 16 bits for red, greed and blue channels and also for alfa channel. Red, green and blue channels are multiplied inversely regarding alfa channel. |
2097152 | Canonical. By default, the pixel format reserves 32 bits for a point. This format sets 24-bit color depth and 8-bit alfa channel. NOTE. The value cannot be used in the application code. It is kept to be compatible with previous versions. |
2498570 | Format32bppArgb. The format reserves 32 bits for a point: 8 bits for red, green and blue channels and also for alfa channel. |
3424269 | Format64bppArgb. The format reserves 64 for a pixel: 16 bits for red, green and blue channels and also for alfa channel. |
To avoid further problems in displaying background of created images, it is recommended to use Format24bppRgb for images saved in *.BMP, and Format32bppArgb for images saved in *.PNG.
See also: