Drawing > Drawing Assembly Enumerations > GxThemeColor
The GxThemeColor enumeration contains colors depending on the formatting theme in use.
It is used by the following properties and methods:
Value | Brief description |
0 | BtnFace - color of 3D object face. |
1 | BtnShadow - color of the 3D element shadow. This color is applied to those areas of 3D element that are turned away from the light source. |
2 | BtnHighlight - color of 3D element highlighting. This color is applied to those areas of 3D element that are faced the light source. |
3 | BtnText - text color of 3D element. |
4 | WindowFrame - window frame color. |
5 | BtnDkShadow - dark color of the 3D element shadow. The dark color of the shadow is applied to the darkest areas of 3D element. |
6 | BtnLight - light color of 3D element. Light color is applied to those areas of 3D element that face the light source. |
7 | GrayedText - color of the gray text. Inactive enumeration elements are highlighted with the gray color. |
8 | Highlight - background color of the highlighted elements. The selected menu elements belong to the highlighted elements as well as the highlighted text. |
9 | TextHighlight - color of the selected elements. |
10 | HotText - color of hyperlinks. |
11 | HotLinkText - color of selected hyperlinks. |
12 | BarWindow - background color of the client part of the popup panel. |
13 | BarFace - face color of the popup panel. |
14 | BarShadow - shadow color of the popup panel. |
15 | BarHighlight - color that is used to draw the brightest area of the popup panel border. |
16 | BarDkShadow - dark color of the popup panel shadow. Shadow areas that are maximum distant from the border of the popup panel are dark. |
17 | BarLight - color that is used to draw the border of the popup panel. |
18 | BarText - text color in the client part of the popup panel. |
19 | Window - background color in the client part of the window. |
20 | WindowText - text color in the client part of the window. |
21 | CaptionText - text color of the active window header. |
22 | MenuText - text color of the menu elements. |
23 | ActiveCaption - background color of the active window header. |
24 | InactiveCaption - background color of the inactive window header. |
25 | ActiveCaptionGradient - the lightest color in the gradient of the active window header. |
26 | InactiveCaptionGradient - the lightest color in the gradient of the active window header. |
27 | InactiveCaptionText - text color of the inactive window header. |
28 | ActiveBorder - color of the active window border. |
29 | InactiveBorder - color of the active window border. |
30 | ToolBarGradientDark - the darkest color in the gradient on the control panel. |
31 | ToolBarGradientLight - the lightest color in the gradient on the control panel. |
32 | HeaderNormalStart - initial color of the gradient of the column header in the normal mode. |
33 | HeaderNormalFinish - final color of the gradient of the column header in the normal mode. |
34 | HeaderHighlightStart - initial color of the gradient in the highlighted column header. |
35 | HeaderHighlightFinish - final color of the gradient in the highlighted column header. |
36 | HeaderPressedStart - initial color of the gradient of the pressed column header. |
37 | HeaderPressedFinish - final color of the gradient in the pressed column header. |
See also: