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Drawing > Drawing Assembly Enumerations > GxRotateFlipType



The GxRotateFlipType enumeration contains types of image rotation and flipping.

It is used by the following method:

Available Values

Value Brief description
0 RotateNoneFlipNone - do not rotate or flip.
1 Rotate90FlipNone - rotate by 90 degrees clockwise.
2 Rotate180FlipNone - rotate by 180 degrees clockwise.
3 Rotate270FlipNone - rotate by 270 degrees clockwise.
4 RotateNoneFlipX - flip from left to right.
5 Rotate90FlipX - rotate by 90 degrees clockwise and flip from left to right.
6 Rotate180FlipX - rotate by 180 degrees clockwise and flip from left to right.
7 Rotate270FlipX - rotate by 270 degrees and flip from left to right.

See also:

Drawing Assembly Enumerations