Drawing > Drawing Assembly Enumerations > GxHatchStyle
The GxHatchStyle enumeration contains hatching types.
It is used by the following property:
Value | Brief description |
0 | Horizontal |
1 | Vertical |
2 | ForwardDiagonal |
3 | BackwardDiagonal |
4 | Cross |
5 | DiagonalCross |
6 | Percent05 |
7 | Percent10 |
8 | Percent20 |
9 | Percent25 |
10 | Percent30 |
11 | Percent40 |
12 | Percent50 |
13 | Percent60 |
14 | Percent70 |
15 | Percent75 |
16 | Percent80 |
17 | Percent90 |
18 | LightDownwardDiagonal |
19 | LightUpwardDiagonal |
20 | DarkDownwardDiagonal |
21 | DarkUpwardDiagonal |
22 | WideDownwardDiagonal |
23 | WideUpwardDiagonal |
24 | LightVertical |
25 | LightHorizontal |
26 | NarrowVertical |
27 | NarrowHorizontal |
28 | DarkVertical |
29 | DarkHorizontal |
30 | DashedDownwardDiagonal |
31 | DashedUpwardDiagonal |
32 | DashedHorizontal |
33 | DashedVertical |
34 | SmallConfetti |
35 | LargeConfetti |
36 | ZigZag |
37 | Wave |
38 | DiagonalBrick |
39 | HorizontalBrick |
40 | Weave |
41 | Plaid |
42 | Divot |
43 | DottedGrid |
44 | DottedDiamond |
45 | Shingle |
46 | Trellis |
47 | Sphere |
48 | SmallGrid |
49 | SmallCheckerBoard |
50 | LargeCheckerBoard |
51 | OutlinedDiamond |
52 | SolidDiamond |
53 | Total - this hatching type is not used. The value returns the common number of available hatching types. |
See also: