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Drawing > Drawing Assembly Enumerations > GxHatchStyle



The GxHatchStyle enumeration contains hatching types.

It is used by the following property:

Available Values

Value Brief description
0 Horizontal
1 Vertical
2 ForwardDiagonal
3 BackwardDiagonal
4 Cross
5 DiagonalCross
6 Percent05
7 Percent10
8 Percent20
9 Percent25
10 Percent30
11 Percent40
12 Percent50
13 Percent60
14 Percent70
15 Percent75
16 Percent80
17 Percent90
18 LightDownwardDiagonal
19 LightUpwardDiagonal
20 DarkDownwardDiagonal
21 DarkUpwardDiagonal
22 WideDownwardDiagonal
23 WideUpwardDiagonal
24 LightVertical
25 LightHorizontal
26 NarrowVertical
27 NarrowHorizontal
28 DarkVertical
29 DarkHorizontal
30 DashedDownwardDiagonal
31 DashedUpwardDiagonal
32 DashedHorizontal
33 DashedVertical
34 SmallConfetti
35 LargeConfetti
36 ZigZag
37 Wave
38 DiagonalBrick
39 HorizontalBrick
40 Weave
41 Plaid
42 Divot
43 DottedGrid
44 DottedDiamond
45 Shingle
46 Trellis
47 Sphere
48 SmallGrid
49 SmallCheckerBoard
50 LargeCheckerBoard
51 OutlinedDiamond
52 SolidDiamond
53 Total - this hatching type is not used. The value returns the common number of available hatching types.

See also:

Drawing Assembly Enumerations