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Drawing > Drawing Assembly Classes

Drawing Assembly Classes

  Class Brief description
GxBitmap The GxBitmap class implements a bitmap.
GxColor The GxColor class implements the color.
GxFont The GxFont class implements graphic font.
GxGraphics The GxGraphics class implements the graphic context of the image.
GxGraphicsClass The GxGraphicsClass class implements the object that is used to access the graphic image.
GxHatchBrush The GxHatchBrush class implements hatching brush.
GxICMManager TheGxICMManager class implements the object that is used to work with color profiles of printers and display.
GxIcon The GxIcon class implements the icon.
GxImage The GxImage class implements the graphic image.
GxImageFormats The GxImageFormats class implements the required format of the graphic image.
GxImageList The GxImageList class implements the object that provides the work with the collection of images.
GxLinearGradientBrush The GxLinearGradientBrush class implements the linear solid brush.
GxMetafile The GxMetafile class implements the Windows metafile.
GxPageSettings The GxPageSettings class implements the object that contains page settings.
GxPen TheGxPen class implements the pen used to draw various objects.
GxPoint The GxPoint class implements the point with the integer coordinates.
GxPointF The GxPointF class implements the point with the real coordinates.
GxPrintComment The GxPrintComment class implements the object that contains print settings.
GxPrinters The GxPrinters class implements the object that provides the access to the parameters of the printers installed to the operating system.
GxRect The GxRect class implements the rectangle with the integer sizes.
GxRectangleTransformImage The GxRectangleTransformImage class implements the image with fixed areas.
GxRectF The GxRectF class implements the rectangle with the real sizes.
GxSize The GxSize class implements the integer size.
GxSizeF TheGxSizeF class implements the real size.
GxSolidBrush The GxSolidBrush class implements the solid brush.
GxStringFormat The GxStringFormat class implements the object that contains properties used to configure the text parameters.
GxSystemColors The GxSystemColors class implements the object that provides access to the colors determined in the operating system.
GxSystemFontNames The GxSystemFontNames class is used to work with the object that contains a collection of system fonts.
GxSystemIcons The GxSystemIcons class implements the object that provides access to the system icons.
GxTextureBrush The GxTextureBrush class implements the texture brush.
GxThemeColors The GxThemeColors class implements static properties that are used to get the colors of various elements determined in the theme.
VisStyleProvider The VisStyleProvider class is used to access information about chart style palettes via COM interface.

See also:

Drawing Assembly Interfaces | Drawing Assembly Enumerations