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Drawing > Drawing Assembly Classes > GxGraphics



The GxGraphics class implements the graphic context of the image.

Static methods of class inherited from IGxGraphicsClass

  Method name Brief description
FromImage The FromImage method returns the graphic object obtained from the image.

Class object properties inherited from IGxGraphics

  Property name Brief description
CompositingQuality The CompositingQuality property determines the quality of image rendering.
DpiX The DpiX property returns the horizontal resolution of the graphic object.
DpiY The DpiY property returns the vertical resolution of the graphic object.
InterpolationMode The InterpolationMode property determines interpolation mode of the graphic object.
PageUnit The PageUnit property determines measurement units of the graphic object.
SmoothingMode The SmoothingMode property determines the smoothing mode of graphics primitives.
TextRenderingHint The TextRenderingHint property determines text output mode.

Class object methods inherited from IGxGraphics

  Method name Brief description
DrawImageTransparent The DrawImageTransparent method renders the image in the specified integer rectangle with the specified transparency.
DrawImageTransparentF The DrawImageTransparentF method renders the image in the specified real rectangle with the specified transparency.
DrawTextF The DrawTextF method displays the text in the specified coordinates with the specified format.
DrawTextP The DrawTextP method displays the text in the specified point.
DrawTextPF The DrawTextPF method displays the text in the specified point with the specified format.
DrawTextR The DrawTextR method displays the text in the specified rectangle.
DrawTextRF The DrawTextRF method displays the text in the specified rectangle with the specified format.
DrawTextW The DrawTextW method displays the text in the specified coordinates.
FillColorRectangle The FillColorRectangle method fills the integer rectangle with the determined color.
FillColorRectangleF The FillColorRectangleF method fills the real rectangle with color.
FillRectangle The FillRectangle method fills the integer rectangle with the brush passed by the Brush parameter.
FillRectangleF The FillRectangleF method fills the real rectangle with the brush passed by the Brush parameter.
MeasureTextRF The MeasureTextRF method calculates the size of the text with the specified format.
RestoreState The RestoreState method restores the state of the graphic object.
SaveState The SaveState method saves the state of the graphic object.
SetScale The SetScale method sets the scale of the graphic image.
SetTranslate The SetTranslate method shifts the origin of coordinates.

See  also:

Drawing Assembly Classes