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Drawing > Drawing Assembly Classes > GxIcon


Assembly: Drawing;

Namespace: Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Drawing;


The GxIcon class implements the icon.

Fore.NET Syntax

Class to get analog of the GxIcon class:


Class to get analog of the GxIcon class object:



  Constructor name Brief description
CreateCopy The CreateCopy constructor creates a copy of the icon scaling it to the specified sizes.
CreateFromFile The CreateFromFile constructor creates an icon from the specified file.
CreateFromFileS The CreateFromFileS constructor creates an icon from the specified file scaling it to the specified sizes.
CreateFromStream The CreateFromStream constructor creates an icon from the stream.
CreateFromStreamS The CreateFromStreamS constructor creates an icon from the stream scaling it to the specified sizes.

Class object properties inherited from IGxIcon

  Property name Brief description
Height The Height property returns icon height in pixels.
Size The Size property returns the object that contains icon sizes.
Width The Width property returns icon width in pixels.

Class object methods inherited from IGxIcon

  Method name Brief description
Clone The Clone method creates a copy of the icon.
SaveToFile The SaveToFile method saves the icon to file.
SaveToStream The SaveToStream method saves the icon to stream.
ToBitmap TheToBitmap method transforms the icon to the bitmap.

See  also:

Drawing Assembly Classes