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Drawing > Drawing Assembly Classes > GxPen


Assembly: Drawing;

Namespace: Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Drawing;


The GxPen class contains pen properties.

Fore.NET Syntax

Class to get analog of the GxPen class:


Class to get analog of the GxPen class object:



  Constructor name Brief description
CreateBrushed The CreateBrushed constructor creates a new pen with the specified brush.
CreateSolid The CreateSolid constructor creates a new pen with the specified color.

Class object properties inherited from IGxPen

  Property name Brief description
Alignment The Alignment property determines pen alignment.
Brush The Brush property determines pen brush.
DashCap The DashCap property determines the look of the dashed lines endings that bound the dashed lines drawn with the pen.
DashOffset The DashOffset property determines the distance from the line start to the dashed template start.
EndCap The EndCap property determines the style of the line endings drawn with the pen.
LineJoin The LineJoin property determines the shared endings style for two sequential lines drawn with the pen.
MiterLimit The MiterLimit property determines the bound of the width combination for the acute angles.
StartCap The StartCap property determines the style of the lines start drawn with the pen.

Class object properties inherited from IGxPenBase

  Property name Brief description
Color The Color property determines pen color.
DashStyle The DashStyle property determines the style of the line displaying.
Width The Width property determines the width of the pen.

See also:

Drawing Assembly Classes