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Drawing > Drawing Assembly Interfaces > IGxPenBase > IGxPenBase.DashStyle


Fore Syntax

DashStyle: GxDashStyle;

Fore.NET Syntax

DashStyle: Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Drawing.GxDashStyle;


The DashStyle property determines the style of line displaying.


One of the values of GxDashStyle that differs from GxDashStyle.None and GxDashStyle.Undefined can be set as value of this property. On an attempt to set the GxDashStyle.None or GxDashStyle.Undefined value, the style is automatically replaced with GxDashStyle.Solid.

Fore Example

Executing the example requires that the repository contains a form, on which the following components must be placed:

Executing the example also requires an express report with a bubble chart that is a data source for UiErAnalyzer1.

Sub UserProc;
    EaxAnalyzer: IEaxAnalyzer;
    BC: IEaxBubbleChart;
    BCVZ: IVZBubbleChart;
    AxisX: IVZChartAxis;
    Pen: IGxPenBase;
    // Get a repository object
    EaxAnalyzer := UiErAnalyzer1.ErAnalyzer;
    // Get a bubble chart
    BC := EaxAnalyzer.BubbleChart;
    BCVZ := BC.BubbleChart;
    // Get X axis
    AxisX := BCVZ.AxisX;
    // Create a new pen
    Pen := New GxPen.CreateSolid(GxColor.FromName("Red"));
    // Set dashed line type
    Pen.DashStyle := GxDashStyle.Dash;
    // Set a new pen as a main one
    AxisX.Pen := Pen;
    // Set a new pen color
    Pen.Color := New GxColor.CreateRGB(1200120);
    // Set pen width
    Pen.Width := 5;
    // Refresh bubble chart
End Sub Userproc;

After executing the example the X axis of the bubble chart will look as a dashed line with changed color and width.

Fore.NET Example

The requirements and result of the Fore.NET example execution match with those in the Fore example. Use Fore.NET analogs instead of Fore components.

Public Sub Userproc();
    EaxAnalyzer: IEaxAnalyzer;
    BC: IEaxBubbleChart;
    BCVZ: IVZBubbleChart;
    AxisX: IVZChartAxis;
    Pen: GxPen = New GxPenClass();
    GxColorCls: GxColorClass = New GxColorClassClass();
    vGxColor: GxColorClass_2 = New GxColorClass_2();
    // Get a repository object
    EaxAnalyzer := UiErAnalyzerNet1.AnalyzerUi.ErAnalyzer;
    // Get a bubble chart
    BC := EaxAnalyzer.BubbleChart;
    BCVZ := BC.BubbleChart;
    // Get X axis
    AxisX := BCVZ.AxisX;
    // Create a new pen
    Pen.CreateSolid(GxColorCls.FromName("Red"), 1);
    // Set dashed line type
    Pen.DashStyle := GxDashStyle.gdsDash;
    // Set a new pen as a main one
    AxisX.Pen := Pen;
    // Set a new pen color
    Pen.Color := vGxColor;
    // Set pen width
    Pen.Width := 5;
    // Refresh bubble chart
End Sub Userproc;

See also:
