In this article:

Common Operations

Working with Objects

Working with Table

Working with Chart

Working with Map

Working with Expression

Working with Object or Report from Repository

Common Operations

On working with objects and reports from repository, the following operations are available:

Working with Objects

On adding report objects to document, the Report Objects panel is used to work with them:

To show panel

The tree-like structure of the panel is based on the dimensions of objects data sources.

To rename object, select the Rename context menu item.

One can set up format of displayed values for tables and expressions. To set up the format, use buttons of the Number Format group on the FORESIGHT ribbon tab.

The following standard operations are available when working with objects in Microsoft Word:

After the work with report objects is finished, go to the step:

Working with Table

A table is an object for showing data from the specified source as a table. Example of a table:

Name of the element corresponding to table is automatically generated following the next rule on the Report Objects panel: Table <Data source name>.

A dimension tree that shows elements selection is created for the element corresponding to the table. Tree elements:

Features of creating a dimension tree

Operations with tables:

Set up table parameters

Filter data

Calculate totals

Operations available for the elements contained in table rows or columns:

Sort elements

Add calculated elements

Delete element

Working with Chart

A chart is an object that is used to graphically represent data from the specified source. For example:

Name of the element corresponding to chart is automatically generated following the next rule on the Report Objects panel: Chart <Data source name>.

A dimension tree that shows the elements selection is created for the element corresponding to the chart. Tree elements:

Features of creating a dimension tree

Operations with chart:

Set up chart parameters

Delete element

Working with Map

A map is an object that displays source data as a territory map and shows detailed characteristics of regions. For example:

Name of the element corresponding to map is automatically generated following the next rule on the Report Objects panel: Map <Map number in the report>.

Operations with maps:

Set up map parameters

Add or edit scale

Working with Expression

An expression is a report element calculated based on source data or a custom formula. Example of expression in the report text:

Name of the element corresponding to expression is automatically generated following the next rules on the Report Objects panel:

The list of dimensions and names of selected elements are displayed for an expression based on a data source.

Edit expression

Operations available only for the expressions based on a data source:

Insert into text

Create a shifted value

See also:

Building Report Using Add-In