Display Versions

The Display Versions page is used to set up cube display parameters. By default, a cube has a single display version, name and identifier of which match the name and identifier of the cube itself. The selected display version is used on cube opening for view in the Analytical Queries (OLAP) tool and is available for toggling on the Data Source Parameters tab.

NOTE. The Display Versions page is available only in the web application. In the desktop application, cube display versions can be set up on the Aggregation page.

Corresponding settings are determined for each display version on the pages: Facts, Facts Binding, Changes , Measurement Units and Indicators, Relations, Calculated Facts, Manage Parameters, Controlling Dimensions, Aggregation, Event Handler. Depending on the selected display version to be set up, settings differ.

Add display version

Change configured display version

Edit display version

Delete display version

See also:

Standard Cube