To work with the tool in Foresight Analytics Platform 10, use the new interface.

Custom Objects Templates

Along with standard providers/consumers/transformers that can be used to handle data in ETL task, it is possible to implement custom objects that execute the same functions according to the application developer algorithm. To create such objects, it is required to create a template that contains a Fore macro that implements the corresponding data handling algorithm. A custom object template, as opposed to user provider/consumer/algorithm, that are set up and used in a particular ETL task, can be used in any repository ETL tasks. Templates and objects are created based on templates in the desktop application.

IMPORTANT. Changing of template settings can affect all ETL tasks, which use objects based on this template.

Working with Templates

Create templates

Edit templates

Create template-based objects

See also:

Getting Started with the ETL Task Tool in the Web Application | Provider Template | Consumer Template | Transformer Template | Procedure Template