A consumer template contains settings of custom consumer object that is available to use on developing ETL tasks. Template settings enable the user to specify a Fore macro that contains implementation of the consumer object. After creating and setup of the template, the corresponding object is available on the Consumers tab. The same operations used for main ETL task objects are available for this object.
Open the dialog box with template parameters
Set the following template parameters:
Name. Any name that describes consumer purpose. This name is displayed on the Consumers tab.
Identifier. Unique template identifier that is used on saving parameters to repository. The identifier must contain only Latin letters, numbers, the underscore character, and it must not contain spaces and must start from a number.
Handler. In the drop-down lists select a development environment object (assembly, unit, or form) and a class that contains consumer implementation. The list of allowed classes contains all classes that implement the IDtRecordsetConsumer or IDtCustomConsumer interfaces.
The example of class code that implements user consumer
See also:
Getting Started with the ETL Task Tool in the Web Application | Custom Transformer Templates