Setting Up Y Axis Scale

To set up Y axis scale, go to the Scale tab of the Axis Format dialog box. The tab in the looks the same as the tab for the secondary axis and the tab for the X axis of scatter and bubble charts.

Advanced setup of Y axis scale is available only in the desktop application.

TIP. To quickly set up chart axis parameters, use the Value Axis (Y) side panel tab.

To open the Axis Format dialog box

The Scale tab contains basic and advanced settings of Y axis.

To toggle between the basic and advanced settings of Y axis, use the More Options and the Less Options buttons.

Basic Settings

Determine the following scale settings:

Set minimum value

Set maximum value

Set up major tick mark intervals

Set up minor tick mark intervals

Set up intersection with X axis

Set up axis position

Set up order of values

Advanced Settings

To additionally set up major tick marks, use the operations in the Major Tick Marks group of parameters:

Set up the number of intervals

Set up distance between tick marks

Set up scale plotting mode

To additionally set up minor tick marks, use the operations in the Minor Tick Marks group of parameters:

Set up scale breaks

Set up displayed units (scale)

Features of Setting Parameter Values

On setting up of some parameters it is possible to set values with accuracy up to 15 digits. These parameters are the following:

See also:

Chart Axes | Setting Up Report Scale | Setting Up X Axis Scale | Setting Up General Chart Parameters | Setting Up Chart Components