Displaying Data Access Permissions As Icons

When working with regular reports, dashboards, express reports or data entry forms it is possible to display icons for cells, for which the user has no permissions or for cells of calculated elements.

NOTE. In data entry forms setting up displaying of data access permissions as icons is executed during table area setup.

Setting up access to data sources depends on the selected access control method and is executed in the security manager. If the user can only read and/or is denied changing a data source, the user can see data in reports but cannot edit it.

Setting access permissions to data of:

If the user can only read and/or is denied changing data, the user can only see data in reports but cannot edit it. If the user is denied reading and changing data, cells will be empty.

To enable displaying lock icons, select the Select Read-Only Cells checkbox on the Formatting tab on the Table side panel group:

NOTE. When working in regular reports the function can be enabled only in the desktop application.

Example of Using Icon Displaying Setting

To display the example of using icon displaying setting, use the Gross Regional Product, mln rub table:

Make the Northern Region element calculated one by editing its formula. After the calculated element is edited, it is indicated with the icon:

Set up data source access permissions: set constraints for data changing for Arkhangelsk region and Murmansk region. As the table contains both cells, for which the user has no permissions, and cells of calculated elements, all icons will be displayed in the table:

Add a constraint for data changing for the Northern District:

As a result of setting up icon displaying, the Northern region cells will display both icons.

NOTE. In regular reports one can enable displaying of icons for cells, which are locked for reading and writing. The icons for calculated element cells in this case are not displayed.

See also:

Formatting Table and Its Elements