Automatic update is used to update the desktop application and help systems within a single release on the local computers of several users from a single source where the administrator places the update files.
A disk folder or a database server can be used as a source.
NOTE. Placement of update files on the database server is only available for the Microsoft SQL Server and Oracle DBMS.
BI server and web application back end can be updated only using the FP10BIServer.exe and FP10WebServer.exe installers. For details see the Updating Using Installer section.
To automatically update the desktop application and help systems:
See the update features.
Place the update files in a folder or on the database server:
MSI files. Update files. The set of files differs for different software packages (FP10Full.exe or FPP10Standard.exe).
Help system MSI installer:
FP10Help_RU.msi. Help system in Russian.
FP10Help_EN.msi. Help system in English.
MST files folders. These files contain translations required for correct displaying the installer and text labels created during the update. The set of files differs for different software packages.
Cfg.exe. This file is optional. It is used on startup of Cfg.exe, if the file configuration has changed in the new version. The Cfg.exe file is used by default. The file is created on Foresight Analytics Platform installation. The configuration of the Cfg.exe files in the source and in the installation folder may differ.
Version.xml. The file that contains the version number of Foresight Analytics Platform.
Cfgconfig.xml. This file is optional. The file is used to control the process before and after the update using an additional set of commands.
If the update files are located on the database server, additionally create a user to store the distribution file and copy the MSI version of the distribution file.
Set up update options using one of the following ways:
Using the XML file with the specified structure.
In the login dialog box or in the object navigator:
To specify update options using the login dialog box:
Click the Settings button.
After executing the operation, the Parameters dialog box opens:
Specify options on the Update tab:
Check and Install Updates. Select one of the radio buttons:
Do Not Check. The update is not executed.
Ask Me before Installing Updates. If a later version is detected in the source, than the one installed, on Foresight Analytics Platform startup the user is prompted to install the update.
Install Automatic Update (recommended). If a later build is detected in the source, Foresight Analytics Platform is automatically updated on startup, no additional requests are shown.
Source. Select the source where update files are placed:
Folder. If the radio button is selected, specify the path to the directory containing files of new versions of Foresight Analytics Platform.
DB Server. If the radio button is selected, specify parameters of connection to database server containing files of new versions of Foresight Analytics Platform:
DB Server. Specify name of the database server containing files of new versions of Foresight Analytics Platform.
DBMS Type. Select the DBMS type, on which setup is executed (Oracle or Microsoft SQL).
Update Label. Select the update label in the list, which was assigned to the files on writing to the database server. Labels are modified every time the list is opened. If the list cannot be obtained, the message is displayed saying that server connection failed. Labels are created on copying MSI version of Foresight Analytics Platform on database server.
To specify update options using the object navigator:
Select the Tools > Parameters main menu item.
After executing the operation, the Parameters dialog box opens:
Set parameters on the Update tab:
Check and Install Updates. Select one of the radio buttons:
Do Not Check. The update is not executed.
Ask Me before Installing Updates. If a later version is detected in the source, than the one installed, on Foresight Analytics Platform startup the user is prompted to install the update.
Install Automatic Update (recommended). If a later build is detected in the source, Foresight Analytics Platform is automatically updated on startup, no additional requests are shown.
Source. Select the source where update files are placed:
Folder. If the radio button is selected, specify the path to the directory containing files of new versions of Foresight Analytics Platform.
DB Server. If the radio button is selected, specify parameters of connection to database server containing files of new versions of Foresight Analytics Platform:
DB Server. Specify name of the database server containing files of new versions of Foresight Analytics Platform.
DBMS Type. Select the DBMS type, on which setup is executed (Oracle or Microsoft SQL).
Update Label. Select the update label in the list, which was assigned to the files on writing to the database server. Labels are modified every time the list is opened. If the list cannot be obtained, the message is displayed saying that server connection failed. Labels are created on copying MSI version of Foresight Analytics Platform on database server.
NOTE. Parameters specified using the login dialog box or the object navigator are synchronized.
Start Foresight Analytics Platform using the Cfg.exe file located in the AutoUpdate folder, which is located near the product installation folder.
IMPORTANT. Foresight Analytics Platform must be updated by the user who has local administration permissions.
After executing the operations, the Foresight Analytics Platform desktop application and help systems are updated. In the login dialog box the new version of the product is indicated.
The following features may occur at autoupdate startup:
If the source contains files of the same Full or Standard configuration but of a later build of Foresight Analytics Platform (for example, the current version is 10.7.615 and the later version is 10.7.620), the product will be updated. After the update, the login dialog box opens indicating the new version of the product.
If the source contains files of another configuration (for example, Full instead of Standard) but of a later build of Foresight Analytics Platform, the product will be updated to a new configuration. After the update, the login dialog box opens indicating the new version of the product. The current version will be deleted.
If the source contains files of the same Full or Standard configuration but of a later build of Foresight Analytics Platform (for example, 10.7.600) or the same build (for example, 10.7.615), the product will not be updated. The login dialog box opens showing the current version of the product.
If there are several versions of Foresight Analytics Platform, the updated version can be specified on platform startup from command line. To do this, use the Profile key with specifying the updated version. If startup is executed without this key, the version specified in the Windows OS registry will be updated: [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Foresight Analytics Platform\10.0\AutoUpdate\Profiles].
The Default key where the key value is the started release, for example, 10.7.
See also: